If Senseless Violence Continues, America Will Be a Total Police State in No Time

By Michael Krieger

As soon as I saw the video of the Alton Sterling shooting on Wednesday, I had a very, very bad feeling about where this was all headed. In fact, I became so concerned I wrote a post titled, A Period of Major Civil Unrest is Coming – How to Win an Inevitable Confrontation with the Status Quo. Here are a few of the key warnings and suggestions I provided:

Increasingly, the general public is coming to the very unpleasant realization that they live in a corporate oligarchy in which they are subjects rather than citizens. The more they are pushed into a corner, the sooner they will lash out in all sorts of ways.

The generational level revolts I anticipate have been a long time coming and will emanate from both rural, largely white America, as well from inner city communities populated mostly by minorities. The key thing we must all bear in mind going into the turbulent times ahead is that we are all in this together. 

The other key variable as to whether the forthcoming rebellions result in any positive change will revolve around what form they take. When I say civil unrest, I am well aware that this likely means some degree of violence and looting; however, such expressions of frustration will do far more harm than good. We must recognize that as it stands the status quo has no actual legitimacy, and therefore can only succeed if it’s able to portray the abused public as the bad guys, and sell us on the idea that the U.S. government is the only thing standing between us and violent mobs.

If you want to win this battle, you need to be smart. Winning the hearts and minds of the general public is absolutely critical, and shouldn’t be difficult in an environment in which the establishment discredits itself on a daily basis.

While we don’t know who the police murderers in Dallas were, or their motivations, we do know one thing. Their actions will unquestionably have several very counterproductive and dangerous outcomes.

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Violence patronale, violence ouvrière (Jaurès et Clemenceau, 1906)

1. Further divide the country in general.

2. Further the already wide distrust between the police and the general public.

3. Increase the likelihood of more violence, and the eventual imposition of a total police state in America.

Either the people who committed the murders had the above goals in mind, or they were just stupid, violent criminals who didn’t have the meager sophistication necessary to understand the extremely negative implications of their actions.

Unfortunately for us, the horrible massacres that occurred in Dallas are exactly the sort of thing that the status quo wants to see. It further divides the public and it creates a justification for more militarization of the police, more surveillance and less civil liberties. Guess who’s going to be most negatively impacted by all of that? Black people, poor people, and the disenfranchised generally.

Anyone who thinks senseless violence will solve the issues of oppression in America doesn’t understand America or the status quo. Executing police in a premeditated manner gives the establishment credibility, and solidifies its support amongst the silent majority as well as the upper classes. The marginalized cannot win a battle if that’s the case. Period, end of story. If you think otherwise, you’re in for a rude awakening.

Everything necessary to put these United States on total police state lockdown are already firmly in place, I’ve been following it closely for nearly a decade. These things have been put in place not for foreign terrorists, but for the American public once they inevitably revolt against their economic slavery and hopelessness. The powers that be knew all of this was coming, and they are entirely prepared for it. Are you prepared? Senseless violence is the only justification needed to put marginalized Americans in walled ghettos like the Israelis have done to so many Palestinians. Don’t think it can’t happen here? Just watch.

Read also:
Everyone in the streets to stop the War

If you really want to win, the key is to be smart. Senseless violence is the opposite of smart. It’s a surefire way to lose and be thrown in a camp. Take a look at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as a history lesson. Terrorist attacks from Palestinians certainly damage the Israeli government when they get out of control, but as long as they remain somewhat contained, they actually serve to benefit the establishment. Moreover, if they do get out of control, the Israeli public merely demands harsher measures. Who ends up winning in that scenario?

What really scares the Israeli government isn’t terror attacks, but the BDS movement. That’s what really keeps them up at night. Why? Because it’s nonviolent, global and has attracted countless Jews. That’s the sort of thing that presents a real problem for power structures, not mindless, random acts of violence. If you want to win, be smart. Senseless violence is a guaranteed way to lose and will result in a oneway ticket to a police state.

John Lennon had it right.

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