Scotland asks EU to ‘leave a light on’ in Brussels after Brexit

By David Walsh

As the brooding hulk of Arthur’s Seat succumbed to the darkness, crowds gathered outside the Scottish Parliament at its base to mark a passing.

As the clock ticked down to Scotland’s exit from the European Union along with the rest of the UK, the event was being treated much like the passing of an old friend. But rather than being an entirely sombre affair, the Missing EU Already rally and candle-lit vigil was a wake of sorts.

Despite the palpable anger and sadness over Brexit, there was a buoyant atmosphere, with folk musicians belting out ballads about Robert the Bruce and an independent Scotland.

The strains of bagpipes and an accordion rose over the hubbub of chatter and mass of EU flags and Saltires, Scotland’s flag, flapping so hard in the wind they sounded like applause.

A smattering of placards and banners conveyed messages of continued friendship to the EU and invective directed towards UK prime minister, Boris Johnson

“How dare the UK government do this to us, taking away our rights and the things we believe in without even debating it with us,” said Gordon Brown, 73, who travelled to the capital from the Black Isle in the north of Scotland. “They won’t even debate with us in the Scottish Parliament. They just ignore anything that’s said to them.

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