Russia: Situation Controlled at Chernobyl

Mar 9, 2022
Maria Zakharova, the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, said that Russian troops had the Chernobyl nuclear power plant under control alongside Ukrainian specialists and the National Guard.
“Currently, control over the situation at the Chernobyl NPP is being exercised jointly by Russian servicemen, Ukrainian specialists, the plant’s civilian personnel, and that country’s National Guard,” Zakharova said, clarifying that the allegations made by Ukrainians authorities about 20-fold radiation increase at the Chernobyl plant are not valid.
The spokeswoman noted that the Zaporozhye nuclear plant is also operating routinely and the situation in Energograd is calm. “The actions of the Russian military in this dangerous situation were motivated by the necessity to prevent a nuclear provocation from Ukrainian nationalists, who seem to have nothing to lose. They have been trained to do it. That is why Russian troops are taking Ukraine’s nuclear facilities under control,” she stated.

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Ukrainian Nationalists Attack Power Plant Supplying Chernobyl

Mar. 9, 2022
Russian troops established control over the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on February 24 when the Kremlin launched its special military operation in Ukraine. Both sides, Russia and Ukraine, agreed to ensure the plant’s security jointly.
Nikolai Pankov, Russian deputy defense minister, disclosed that nationalist forces from Ukraine attacked a substation and the power cables conducting electricity to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He qualified such an attack as an extremely dangerous instigation.
Pankov warned that Ukraine is hindering the organization of repair and restoration work. He argued that this demonstrates the provocative nature of the Ukrainian nationalists’ actions. Otherwise, the deputy minister said that Russian specialists are making every effort to ensure the transition to reserve diesel generators at the Chernobyl site.

Read also:
Ukraine and the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant: The Samson Solution

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