Rule of law, press freedom face ‘very serious threats’ in Greece

LEAK: Rule of law, press freedom face ‘very serious threats’ in Greece, report says

Apr.14, 2023

There are serious concerns about Greece’s democratic credentials, with threats to the rule of law, harassment of officials of independent public bodies, and widespread intimidation of journalists, according to a leaked draft mission report by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

The report was drafted after the LIBE committee visited Athens on 6-8 March. Even before the report was drafted, mission chief Sophie in ‘t Veld from the centrist Renew Europe group had suggested that the rule of law situation in Greece was precarious.

During the March visit, Greek government officials were not available to meet with the delegation.

The report said that, according to a letter by the Greek Transport Minister Georgios Gerapetritis to LIBE Chair Juan Fernando López-Aguilar, the priority of the country and the government was “dealing with the worst train crash in its history and not in the face of a total lack of political decorum and common sense”.

Formal invitations were sent to President Katerina Sakellaropoulou, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the ministers of justice and of the interior, the Supreme Court prosecutor, the chief of police and the Greek parliament chairman, but received cancellations in response or, in some instances, no formal response at all.

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ILO: Resolution on freedom of the press, the Karaivaz assassination and copyright

The work of its Executive Committee was concluded with great success on Friday, April 21, 2023 International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the annual General Assembly, which were hosted by the Educational Foundation of ESIEA and the Association of Magazine and Electronic Press Editors (ESPIT) in Athens from 19-21 April 2023. The delegates repeatedly expressed their special satisfaction for the impeccable organization and the warm hospitality.

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On Friday morning and before the start of work, ESIEA was visited by the Mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis, who, speaking to the delegates, referred to the importance of a free and unfettered press for democracy, especially in such difficult days as journalists and pluralism are struggling. worldwide. He reminded that faith in democracy and the freedom of the press must overcome political differences and stressed that international cooperation and journalists are necessary in order to respond to the growing threats.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Executive Committee, among others, unanimously voted the following resolutions regarding the assassination of George Karaivaz, Freedom of the Press and Intellectual Rights, Resolution on George Karaivaz

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