New attacks by Pompeo on Germany

BILD Interview with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: „The German government
is so disappointing“

Sep. 28, 2020

The US has re-imposed sanctions on Iran – what will happen to companies still doing business with the Islamic republic? What will be the American response to the poisoning of Alexei Navalny and will this attack on him stop Nord Stream 2?

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (56),spoke about these issues with BILD Editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt.

Pompeo on…

…re-imposed sanctions and consequences for German companies who are doing business with Iran:

“There are probably a lot of companies in the US that would like to do business with the Islamic Republic of Iran as well. They are a great people, but unfortunately the regime there, the theocratic, kleptocratic regime led by the Ayatollah presents an enormous risk to the world. The United States is going to use every bit of its capacity to ensure that those UN sanctions are enforced. They will be enforced equally, fairly against business from across the world. We want to make sure that there is no more money created for this regime that for 40 years on now has created terror and has put Europe at risk. We want to make sure that no one is surprised, that they know what’s lawful and what’s unlawful. Nearly all of those UNSC resolutions are back in place since midnight this Saturday.”

“German business will understand the risk and they will comply with the UNSC resolutions. It is the German government that is so disappointing. This country (Iran) has created assassination campaigns across Europe. The German government tells us they agree with that they don’t want Iran to buy and sell weapons, yet they have come up with no plan, no alternative to prevent it. The US is going to lead, the US will make the right decision, the moral decision. Not only did they execute this wrestler, remember this is the most antisemitic nation on the planet, that does not only threaten to destroy America, but also the nation of Israel. I think the German people understand the risk, the threat to themselves and to the world. This is not a country that should escape the sanctions that UNSC resolution 2231 lays out, that is not a nation that on October 19 this year be able to buy and sell weapons.”

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