Feb. 21, 2025
The Tempi train disaster and the still ongoing investigation throw a long shadow over Greece’s political landscape and shake citizens’ trust to Justice and the government. Two years after the trains collision that claimed the live of 57 people on February 28, 2023, the majority of Greeks see an attempt by the government to “cover-up” responsibilities.
According to a public opinion poll conducted by ALCO on behalf of Alpha
TV, a majority of 72% of respondents said that they discerned a government attempt at a “cover-up.”
It is reportedlyeven striking that even 43% of ruling New Democracy voters believe that there was an attempt to cover up, with only 36% to have a negative opinion.
82% of all respondents believe that the relatives of the victims are facilitating the Justice system with their actions.
However, 67% said they do “not trust at all” ( 44%) or “trust a little” the independent judiciary in the Tempi investigation and in allocating responsibility for the worst rail disaster in Greece’s history.
At the same time, the overwhelming majority, that is 81% of respondents, said they believed that the government did not do as much as it could to make rail travel safe in the country.
Poll Political Parties
According to the Alco public opinion poll, a drop -compared to a previous poll – is shown in the percentages of all political parties, with the exception of two: left-wing Course for Freedom which has inflows from voters of all other parties and far-right Voice of Logic which receives voters mainly from ND and far-right Spartans.
According to another poll conducted by Metron analysis on behalf of Mega TV, parties gaining in percentages are the Course for Freedom and nationalist Greek Solution
Voting intention of the valid voters (first column ALCO, second Metron Analysis)
ND: 24.4% -28.8%
PASOK: 13.3% – 14.6%
KKE: 7.7% – 9.1%
Greek Solution: 7.6% – 10.3%
SYRIZA: 7.3% – 7.6%
Voice of Logic: 5.7% -4.8%
Freedom Voyage: 5.6% – 8.9%
Democracy Movement (Kasselakis): 2.7% – 3.2%
- Spartans -% – 0.4%
- NIKE -% – 2.5%
- MeRA25 -% – 2.6%
- New Left -% – 3.3%
- Undecided: 14.9% – other parties 3.9%
It should be noted that the leader of course for Freedom, former Parliament Speaker under SYRIZa government, Zoi Konstantopoulou, is also one of the lawyers of the families of the victims of Tempi.
Also regarding attempt to Tempi cover-up, 7 out of 10 respondents by Mega TV said the believe there was cover -up.
- 71% said there is a government attempt for responsibilities cover-up
- 26% said Justice functions and will allocate responsibilities where they are
- 3% don’t know/won’t answer
ALCO poll was broadcast on February 19, Metron Analysis poll on February 21.
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