Pοland: A dissimulated dictatorship inside the EU

Stop the anti-Communist repressions of Polish government! A call for solidarity

Polish reactionary government is undertaking new attempts against the free speech and democratic pluralism in Poland. After the persecutions of legally registered Communist Party of Poland, trialled for popularization of communism, the repressions reached the editors of communist website “Władza Rad” (www.1917.net.pl) and several days later police invaded a Marxist conference organized by the scientists from the University of Szczecin in northwestern Poland.

On Monday, April 30, police entered the flat of one of “Władza Rad” (“The Soviet Power”) editors and took his notebook, two hard drives and cellphone. This action was done despite the fact that popularization of communism is legal in Poland, and so was completely unlawful. It was another outrageous act of repression against the left-wing opposition.

The promotion of communism is, according to Polish law, legal. Ignoring this fact the prosecution is trying to charge the political activist for a non-existing crime. Polish penal code forbids only “totalitarian” and fascist propaganda. It does not however forbid communism, which was confirmed by the ruling of the Constitutional Court in 2011.

In January this year the internal affairs minister, Mr. Brudzinski denied existence of the neo-fascist threat in Poland and tried to use a red herring of an alleged “neo-communist” threat against the democracy.

In the aftermath, police and prosecution offices carried out an aggressive campaign against communists and any left-wing opposition in Poland.

The legally registered Komunistyczna Partia Polski (KPP, Communist Party of Poland) faced harsh repressions. The KPP activists have been sentenced in the prescriptive mode, but they appealed and their trial are continuing until today.

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Even the social-democratic and aggressively anti-communist party Razem (“Together”, presenting itself as a Polish version of Spanish PODEMOS) faced repressions – some members of the pro-government youth organizations demanded it’s delegalization for “promotion of communism”.

While even the center-right European politicians like Jean Claude Juncker acknowledge Karl Marx’ place in history, Polish state television broadcasted recently a segment on “murderous ideas of Karl Marx” (using fabricated quotes from the founder of scientific socialism), and the Polish government punishes any left-wing opposition activity, while neo-fascist demonstrations of ONR (“National Radical Camp”, a far-right organization which took its name from an anti-Semitic and fascist organization from 1930s) are protected by the police. The state’s drift towards authoritarianism now involves even the violation of university autonomy. On Saturday, May 12, the police entered a scientific conference celebrating the 200th anniversary of Marx birth, breaking the law on university autonomy.

We, the editing staff of Polish Communist website Władza Rad (“Soviet Power”)  always stand for unconditional defense of freedom of the speech and other human rights guaranteed by the United Nations Charter. We are opposed to any act of human rights violation.  We call for the international solidarity against the policy of Polish government! Polish state violates the fundamental rules of democracy and free speech.

The only aim of the reactionary government is to destroy the any left-wing opposition to the rules of nationalist and bourgeois party PiS and ensure the stability of rule of the capital and maintain the system of capitalist exploitation of working class.

Defence of the democratic laws for the working class and Marxist political organizations is now absolutely necessary!

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We request all the Communists, Socialists and other leftists to express the solidarity against the state reppresions of the communist movement in Poland!
We appeal for organizing the protests at the Polish embassies all around the globe and sending the letters  involing the persecutions of Polish communists to the ambassadors.

Editing staff of “Władza Rad” (“The Soviet Power”)
15th May 2018

Published at http://www.1917.net.pl/node/23078