On Repression in Ukraine

Reconciliation instead of repression

Statement of European personalities in support of democratic forces
We are seriously concerned about the facts of the systematic pressure on the opposition in Ukraine.

On September 4th, right-wing radicals had the attacked “Inter” TV channel. The channel’s office was burned by nationalists, only the miracle helped to avoid human casualties. Threats of physical violence are coming against journalists and editors of “NewsOne” channel. In fact, all of the independent media are facing direct violence or the threat of violence from nationalist organizations.

We are also very concerned about information that right-wing radicals are controlled and directed by high-rank Ukrainian state officials and leadership of law enforcement authorities. Attacks on the media synchronized with the pressure of the authorities on the opposition leaders.

Alla Alexandrovska, a 68 year old former MP of the Communist Party is still imprisoned in the city of Kharkiv. Оne of the leaders of the parliamentary opposition Vadim Novinsky faced with threats of criminal prosecution soon after he tried to stop attempts of the authorities to interfere in the affairs of the Orthodox Church.

Today, Ukraine needs national reconciliation, not confrontation and witch-hunt.

We call on the leadership of Ukraine unswervingly adhere to the principles of political pluralism, respect for the independence of the media and the rights of the opposition.

First endorsers:

* Inge Höger, MP Die Linke
* Ulla Jelpke, MP Die Linke
* Alexander Neu, MP Die Linke
* Karin Binder, MP Die Linke
* Alexander Ulrich, MP Die Linke
* Jürgen Aust, member leading body Die Linke North Rhine-Westphalia
* Thomas Zmrzly, activist, Duisburg
* Thomas Schmidt, Vice President ELDH European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Right, German section: Association of Democratic Lawyers
* Sylvia Gabelmann, scientific staff for Dr. Alexander S. Neu MB Die Linke
* Harri Grünberg, member leading body Die Linke
* Rainer Rupp, journalist
* Heinrich Bücker, Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin
* Mustafa Ilhan, Kurdish activist

Read also:
A “Kapodistrian” Agreement for Ukraine

* Stefano Fassina, former vice finance minister and MP
* Alfredo D’Attorre, MP Sinistra Italiana
* Marco Zanni, MEP for Movimento Cinque Stelle
* Moreno Pasquinelli, Programma 101

* PD Dr. Gernot Bodner, Assistant Professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU Vienna
* Dr. Leo Gabriel, Scientific director of the Institute for Intercultural Research and Cooperation, Member of the International Council of the World Social Forum, Co-chair of the NGO-Commitee for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, Coordinator of the international initiative www.peaceinsyria.org
* Hermann Dworczak, Austrian Social Forum
* Dr. Dipl. Ing. Mohamed Aburous, chemist and chairman Austrian-Arab Cultural Centre
* Imad Garbaya, Tunisian House
* Wilhelm Langthaler, author and activist
* Dr. Albert F. Reiterer, docent for sociology, retired
* Dr. Werner Murgg, member of Styrian regional parliament
* Martin Mair, initiative for unemployed

* Panagiotis Sotiris, member of political secretariat of Popular Unity, Greece
* Yiannis Rachiotis, ELDH European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Right Greek section Alternative Intervention of Athens Lawyers
* Antonios Markopoulos, MP Syriza, chairman foreign policy committee of the Greek parliament

* Jacques Nikonoff, candidate of the Party of Deglobalization (Pardem) at the election of the French Republic
* Joel Perichaud, international relations of Pardem

* Pedro Montes, President Socialismo 21
* Diosdado Toledano González, member Plataforma salir del euro