MSM campaign against Sanders made half of America believe Bernie’s like a ‘CORONAVIRUS in a suit’ – Lee Camp

7 Mar, 2020

The corporate media certainly spared no effort in portraying Bernie Sanders as the biggest threat to America ahead of Super Tuesday, yet they failed to set him back, US comedian and host of RT’s Redacted Tonight, Lee Camp, said.

The media as well as the Democratic National Committee “spent five days before the contest trashing Bernie Sanders in any way they come up with,” Camp recalled.

“By the end of it, even I was sure Bernie fathered a love child with Fidel Castro and the Lyme disease. By Tuesday, much of America was sure that Bernie is something like a coronavirus wearing a Larry David skin suit.”

Yet, at the same time, the media tirelessly promoted a narrative that Sanders was going to win literally every state during Super Tuesday, the comedian noted, adding that when this did not happen the media immediately made it look like the self-described democratic socialist suffered a devastating defeat to the MSM and DNC darling, ‘moderate’ Joe Biden.

“But still, how does Joe Biden do well when he has little money, almost zero ground game and a horrific record as well as more sexual harassment claims than a male bra salesman and a lack of control over one of his eyeballs? How did he do well?”

In fact, despite facing an onslaught from corporate media at a time when literally almost all Democratic establishment members aligned against him in their support for Biden, Sanders ended up only 60 delegates behind Biden following Super Tuesday, Camp maintains. Still, “that is not what the corporate media will tell you. They will tell you Joe Biden has come back! After a mere 30 years running for president three times he is finally ahead in the primaries.”

Watch the full show below:

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Berniecrats feeling burned as Sanders keeps mum on Assange’s arrest

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