Morales Vows To Do What’s Best for Bolivia, Not Afraid of Jail

The President confirmed that he will be “where he serves more” to the Bolivian people and their political party, whether in asylum in Mexico or imprisoned in Bolivia.

2 December 2019

The democratically elected President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, said Sunday that he would value the option of being imprisoned in Bolivia, if that action helps the Bolivian people, who suffer from a climate of anxiety and instability after the coup d’etat driven by the right of the South American country.

“For the Bolivian people, for the political instrument, for the MAS , do I serve more as an asylum in Mexico or imprisoned in Bolivia? I will be where I serve more. Here or imprisoned in Bolivia. I was imprisoned and I am not afraid of that,” Morales said.

During an interview with the Argentinian publication Page 12, the Bolivian President said he has “a deep internal debate about what to do.” Morales, who is blocked from running in the upcoming elections, will influence the election of the presidential binomial of the Movement To Socialism (MAS).

In recent days, and after the announcement by the right-wing competitors, the political and electoral strategy of the party has been organized, so it participates via teleconference and maintains long telephone sessions of debate, discussion and planning with leaders of the nine departments.

For the President, the binomial that represents the MAS must be able to “represent the humble”, as well as have “social conscience and capacity of public management and ideological formation”.

“I have learned that. The important thing is to continue with the process of change and move forward with the industrialization of our natural resources,” President Morales said.

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President Morales said that “another Bolivia is possible”, without the “blackmail and conditioning of the IMF and the World Bank”, while confirming that during his administration “there have been small errors.” ”

“We are wrong, we are human. And the mistakes were not due to personal ambitions,” Morales said, while considering that in his government they managed to reduce “poverty and inequality” and brought “growth and stability” to the nation.

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