Monsanto Tribunal and People’s Assembly

The Hague 14-16 October

We are happy to inform you that Navdanya – along with multiple civil society organizations – is co-organizing a People’s Assembly for the future of food and the future of our planet at the Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague from 14th to 16th October 2016.

The Monsanto Tribunal will hold Monsanto and Co. accountable for their crimes against humanity, human rights violations and ecocide, regardless of what name and form they morph into.

In the last century big agribusiness of today with roots in war have poisoned millions of people, destroyed biodiversity, pushed small farmers off their land, and attempted to take over every aspect of our life. The potential of this harm increases as these corporations become fewer and bigger. An example is the recent bid by Bayer to buy Monsanto. (and once again join hands to make poisons as MoBay and becoming the IG Farben of our times.)

Using free trade neoliberal policies and deregulation of commerce to enlarge their empires, these corporations are attacking life on earth and biodiversity. They have broadened their control over our seed, our food and freedom, robbing us of our human rights and democracy. They have established monopolies and threatened farmers’ rights to seed and people’s rights to affordable medicine through patents and IPRs.

The People’s Assembly will be a gathering of movements, seed savers, seed defenders, farmers and growers and civilians to address the crimes against nature and against humanity perpetrated by chemical and biotechnology corporations. We will also chart the road to our future based on Seed Freedom and Food Freedom, agroecology and farmers rights, our commons and economies of sharing, rights of nature and earth democracy.

Read also:
Climate Movement Sounds Alarm on Trump Picking 'Big Oil Sellout' JD Vance for VP

Learn more:

Should you want to participate, create a workshop and/or put up a stand, please send a request to info [@]

See People’s Assembly draft program HERE

See Monsanto Tribunal draft program HERE

International Monsanto Tribunal Official Website:

Seed Freedom Call to Action 2016

People’s Assemblies for the Future of our Food and the Future of our Planet  — 2nd – 16th October 2016 — Everywhere

It is with the same spirit which led us to co-organise the actions at The Hague, that we invite you to organise People’s Assemblies – wherever you are – as this year’s actions for Seed Freedom and Food Freedom; and both, do a public trial of Monsanto as well as create a system of our food free of the poisons and the poisons makers.

From the 2nd of October to the 16th of October, organize People’s Assemblies everywhere, to stop a century of ecocide and genocide, so we can re-begin to start living with peace on the earth.

Those who brought us the concentration camps, the poisons of the green revolution, GMO’s and patents of seeds, and now the new extermination tools of gene editing and drives, need to be tried for crimes against the earth and crimes against humanity.

As earth citizens, we have a duty to protect the earth and we have a right to protect our lives and that of future generations. And even while we trial them for their crimes we must celebrate life on earth, our capacity to work with the earth as co-creators.

Peace, love, celebration, diversity is what we hope in October you will organize wherever you are in your own way.

Read also:
Table ronde: Urgence écologique : l'affaire du Nord ou du Sud ?


Add your upcoming People’s Assemblies/events/actions to the Seed Freedom calendar

Watch Dr Vandana Shiva’s video messages:


Key Dates

15th – 16th October – The Hague, Netherlands: International Monsanto Tribunal

14th – 16th October – The Hague, Netherlands: People’s Assembly for the Future of our Food and the Future of our Planet. 

2nd – 16th October – Everywhere: Local People’s Assemblies for the Future of our Food and the Future of our Planet.

16th October: World Food Day – Everywhere: Monsanto Protests/Marches against Monsanto.


Seed Freedom Leaflet

Poison Cartel – Toxic Capital Poster

Seeding Freedom Poster

Monsanto Tribunal Poster

Also Read:

Dr Vandana Shiva’s recent articles:

By Dr Vandana Shiva – The Indian Express, 26 August 2016

By Dr Vandana Shiva –, 22 August 2016

By Dr Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 10 August 2016

By Dr Vandana Shiva, 7 July 2016

By Dr Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 16 June 2016

By Dr Vandana Shiva –, 31 May 2016

Read also:
How Mongolia's nomads are adapting to climate change

By Dr Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 19 May 2016

By Dr Vandana Shiva, 27 March 2016

By Dr Vandana Shiva, 20 November 2015

By Dr Vandana Shiva – Common Dreams, 20 May 2015

Build-up Events and Actions on the way to October 2016:

New Delhi, 17 August 2016

Allahabad, India, 10 August 2016

Berlin, 27 June 2016

Global Action, 21 May 2016

New Delhi, 21 May 2016

Greece, 6 – 8 May 2016 — Bulgaria, 14 – 15 May 2016

Paris, 3 December 2015

Further Actions for Seed Freedom

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