Moldova and Fakebook

On 16 September, when I tried to check into my Facebook account, I received a message saying that my account had been blocked, but that I could appeal. I did, and received the following message: ‘Choose type of ID to upload. We’ll use your ID to review your name, photo and date of birth. It won’t be shared on your profile.’

Having somehow managed to upload my identity card, I received the following response: ‘’We disabled your account. We reviewed your account and found that it still doesn’t follow our Community Standards on account integrity. You cannot request another review of this decision. To learn more about the reasons we disable accounts visit the Community Standards. You may have the right to challenge our decision in your country’s courts, or refer our decision to a certified dispute settlement body.’

I have no idea what I had done, and these crazy hidden control-freaks will not even tell me. Shortly before this happened, I had posted a very good interview on RT (Russia Today) of a Greek ambassador friend of mine, Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos. In the past, I had myself often posted some of my own RT interviews, without a problem. Could there be a connexion, and if there is, why did Facebook not let me know?

Not only can I no longer even find my account, but neither can my friends even find my Pages, which include my book, and a page called ‘Academic Behaviour’. Nor can I even open a new account.

If any of you readers have experienced such undemocratic and arbitrary behaviour, please let me know by emailing me on

Herewith the broadcast that I posted:

Read also:
Kosovo Indictment Proves Bill Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities

William Mallinson

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