Michael Cohen’s Ominous Prediction About Donald Trump’s Intentions

Nov 25, 2023

Michael Cohen, the one-time lawyer and “fixer” for Donald Trump, warned Friday on an episode of his podcast about the grim outlook should the former president be reelected to the White House.

Trump is currently amid the packed field of candidates seeking the 2024 Republican presidential nomination as part of his bid to retake the White House for a second term. Amid that field, Trump has consistently led by a substantial margin, with national polling averages putting his support among likely GOP voters at around 50 percent, while his closest rivals have struggled to maintain double-digit support.

In head-to-head polling match-ups for Trump’s hypothetical yet seemingly inevitable 2024 rematch against President Joe Biden, the two candidates have largely appeared neck-and-neck, with some polls giving an edge to Trump and some to Biden. More recent polls have begun to lean more toward the former president, though polling a year out from the general election has been known to shift dramatically over the ensuing months, and Democrats like Biden have had a recent trend of outperforming poll numbers considerably in smaller elections.

On Friday, Cohen released the latest episode of his MeidasTouch Network podcast, Mea Culpa, in which he hosted Representative Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat. During the discussion, Cohen echoed a grim prediction many observers have made about the health of American democracy should Trump secure reelection.

“A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for the end of democracy,” Cohen said. “And I personally don’t want to be led around. I don’t want anybody telling me, as they’re already doing right now, what you can and can’t do in your bedroom. I don’t want them saying who can and cannot vote. All of a sudden, you’re going to have someone knock down your door and it’s going to be Trump’s ‘brown shirts’ pulling you out and sending you to Guantanamo Bay.”

Read also:
Trump: Α very confused President!

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