Manifest for Peace in Venezuela

The Venezuelan people, free and sovereign, took back the original power in their hands, electing massively representatives to the National Constituent Assembly.

More than eight million came to the ballots, despite boycotting and sabotaging made by undemocratic groups, in a process accompanied by international legal and political personalities who attested to fairness and transparency.

All cities, classes and sectors are present, with their delegates, in the creation of Venezuelan democracy.

The Constituent Assembly is the path to peace and normality, to resume the path of development and prosperity, to overcome an institutional crisis and build a program that will reunite the neighboring homeland.

Peacefully and democratically, millions of citizens said no to terrorist gangs, petty elites, coup plotters, and the interference of other governments.

Men and women of good, throughout the world, must celebrate this historical gesture of self-determination of Venezuela, repudiating as interventionist threats and adding to a great chain of solidarity.

In addition, in Brazil will be heard as voices that reject violence and sabotage against the legitimate government of President Nicolás Maduro.

What morality has a usurper like Michel Temer to speak in democracy, violating one’s own Constitution, and adopt institutions that offend Venezuelan independence?

Brazil cannot be considered an infamy of allied with governments that conspire against a publication and associate with factions dedicated to taking the power of assault, appealing to the chaos and the coercion.

We call on all Brazilians and Brazilians to defend democracy and self-determination of our Venezuelan brothers, their right to live in peace and to define their destiny.

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We repudiate how blockade and aggression maneuvers are being plotted in the shadows of the Organization of American States (OAS), under the baton of the White House and with complicity by the coup government of our country.

We denounce the repulsive behavior of the media that manipulate information and run the truth to serve a plan of destabilization and isolation.

We declare our solidarity with the brave people of Bolivar. His struggle for peace is ours too.


São Paulo, August 1, 2017.


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1. Articulação brasileira dos movimentos sociais da ALBA

2. Brigadas Populares

3. Campanha Brasil Justo para todos e para Lula

4. Central de Movimentos Populares – CMP

5. Central dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras do Brasil – CTB

6. Central Única dos Trabalhadores – CUT

7. Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos e Luta pela Paz – Cebrapaz

8. Centro de Estudos da Mídia Alternativa Barão de Itararé

9. Centro de Estudos e Pesquisa Ruy Mauro Marini

10. Coletivo Poder Popular

11. Conselho Mundial da Paz – CMP

12. Consulta Popular

13. Coordenação Nacional de Entidades Negras – CONEN

14. Democracia no Ar

15. Fórum Nacional pela Democratização da Comunicação – FNDC

16. Fundação Perseu Abramo

17. Instituto Astrojildo Pereira

18. Intersindical – Central da Classe Trabalhadora

19. Levante Popular da Juventude

20. Marcha Mundial de Mulheres – MMM

21. Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens – MAB

22. Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores – MPA

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Diego Maradona: The Boy From The Barrio With The Feet Of Gold And The 'Hand Of God'

23. Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST

24. Movimento pela Soberania Popular na Mineração – MAM

25. Partido Comunista do Brasil – PCdoB

26. Partido dos Trabalhadores – PT

27. Rede De Médicas e Médicos Populares

28. Sindicato dos Arquitetos

29. Sindicato dos Bancários de Santos

30. União Brasileira de Mulheres – UBM

31. União Brasileira dos Estudantes Secundaristas – UBES

32. União da Juventude Socialista – UJS

33. União Nacional dos Estudantes – UNE


1. Aline Piva – Jornalista do Blog Nocaute

2. Amir Bertoni Gebara – Biólogo

3. Anivaldo Padilha – Teólogo

4. Aray Nabuco – Editor da Caros Amigos

5. Artur Araújo – Consultor de Orçamento e Gestão

6. Carlos Tibúrcio – Jornalista, editor do Democracia no Ar, Rede de Resistência Democrática

7. César Cordaro – Procurador aposentado

8. Clayton Figueiredo de Oliveira

9. Conceição Lemes – Jornalista

10. Cristiana Castro – Advogada

11. Denise Fon – Jornalista

12. Denise Ramiro – Jornalista

13. Eliana Ada Gasparini

14. Eliana Guimarães Silva

15. Emir Sader – Intelectual brasileiro

16. Ernesto Germano Parés – Jornalista, radialista e assessor sindical

17. Gilberto Maringoni – Professor de Relações Internacionais da UFABC

18. Gladstone Leonel Júnior – Professor de Direito da Universidade Federal Fluminense

19. Heitor Claro da Silva – Estudante de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Brasília

20. Igor Fuser – Professor de Relações Internacionais da UFABC

21. Jacqueline Denise de Alcântara

22. José Luiz del Roio – Ex-senador na Itália

23. José Marcio Gomes dos Santos Cunha – ex-Presidente do SINTRAPE, ex-Secretário-Geral da FETAM/CUT

Read also:
Javier Milei en el Instituto Milken: “Argentina tiene todas las condiciones para ser la nueva meca de Occidente”

24. José Reinaldo Carvalho – Jornalista e editor do Resistência

25. Laurindo Lalo Leal Filho – Sociólogo e Jornalista

26. Lilian Vaz – Arquiteta

27. Lucas Rafael Chianello – Advogado

28. Lúcia Rodrigues – Repórter Especial da Caros Amigos

29. Marcio Sotelo Felippe – Procurador

30. Marília Equi Martins – Assistente social na USP e membra do grupo de estudos de Marx RP

31. Mário Goncalves Viana Júnior – Engenheiro Civil

32. Maurício Ianês – Artista Plástico

33. Nilton Viana – Jornalista

34. Patricia Valim – Historiadora

35. Paulo Henrique Silva e Costa – Administrador

36. Pedro Pomar – Jornalista

37. Socorro Gomes – Presidenta do Conselho Mundial da Paz

38. Valter Pomar – Professor da UFABC

39. Wevergton Brito Lima – Secretário-Geral do Cebrapaz