Maneuvering around North Korea

What’s Driving The Peace Process In Korea?

15 June 2018

The Korean people on both sides of the 38th parallel desire and deserve peace, stability and reunification, writes Carlos Martinez.

This week marked a historic step towards lasting peace in Korea. For the first time in history, the heads of state of the United States and North Korea met face to face. The meeting appears to have laid the ground for ongoing top-level talks, and U.S. President Donald Trump has announced that the joint war games conducted by the United States and South Korea are on hold.

Donald Trump: Koreas Are Working to Reunite Their ‘National Family’

12 June 2018

Donald Trump took the opportunity to disclose that he appreciated Chinese President Xi Jinping closing up of the border, recently.

U.S. President Donald Trump, in a press conference after signing a “comprehensive document” with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, said that both countries were “prepared to start new history, new chapter in our history.”
Trump said he was “honored to spend intensive hours” with Kim, before thanking several leaders of government in the region including hosts Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and South Korea’s Moon Jae-in.
Read more at–20180612-0004.html

‘The Devil Is in the Detail’: Russia Reacts to Trump-Kim Summit

June 12 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held a historic summit Tuesday, with a resulting pledge for North Korea to move toward complete denuclearization, while the United States promised its old foe security guarantees.
Trump and Kim gave few other specifics in a joint statement signed at the end of their summit in Singapore. Several analysts cast doubt on how effective the agreement would prove to be in the long run at getting North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons.

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Geo-strategic conflicts set to intensify following US-North Korea summit

14 June 2018

Tuesday’s Singapore summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un has set the stage for the sharpening of disputes in the Asia-Pacific, particularly with China, despite the apparent relaxation of tensions.
During his press conference in Singapore, Trump mixed promises with veiled threats. He said crippling economic sanctions on North Korea would remain in place and there would be no reduction of the 32,000 US troops in South Korea—3,500 more than usually reported—notwithstanding his vague references to bringing the troops home.

Now, it’s time to deliver

13 June 2018

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists favors all dialogue aimed at reducing nuclear risks, and it therefore supports US President Donald Trump’s decision to engage with North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un in Singapore.
But media pomp and video symbolism cannot substitute for arms control substance. The high-level goals listed in the joint statement Trump and Kim issued after their meeting are extremely vague, but concrete steps are required, if the nuclear risk that North Korea poses to the United States and the international community is to be reduced. The vagueness of the joint statement creates a distinct possibility that it will quickly evaporate, with regrettable—and possibly catastrophic—results for the region and the world.

Donald Trump’s new national security adviser calls for regime change in North Korea

Mar 23, 2018

ONCE rejected by North Korea as “human scum,” President Donald Trump’s latest pick for national security adviser has called for regime change in North Korea, prompting worries in Asia ahead of a historic summit between Washington and Pyongyang.
Trump announced in a tweet he was replacing H.R. McMaster with John Bolton, a former US ambassador to the United Nations who has advocated the use of military force against North Korea and Iran and has previously been rejected as a negotiating partner by Pyongyang.

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Donald Trump on North Korea summit: Kim should make deal (or face regime change)

May 17, 2018

Seeking to move forward with a planned high-profile summit, President Trump said Thursday that Kim Jong Un can count on “protections that will be very strong” if North Korea agrees to get rid of nuclear weapons — but also seemed to threaten regime change if it doesn’t.
The president appeared to be talking about a possible American pledge not to invade or otherwise try to topple Kim’s government, as happened in recent decades in Libya and Iraq. As for Kim, Trump said at one point, “he’d be there; he’d be in his country; he’d be running his country.”