Tuesday, 4 March , 2025

Macron: He cannot win in Mali, he will win over Russia!

Veillée d’armes et guerre de classe

Par Daniel Gluckstein

Dans une tribune publiée par Le Monde, le chef d’état-major de l’armée de Terre, le général Pierre Schill, annonce que l’armée « se tient prête quelles que soient les évolutions de la situation internationale (…). L’armée française se prépare aux engagements les plus durs. »

À l’Élysée, Macron multiplie les déclarations visant à préparer l’opinion publique à un engagement direct de troupes françaises au combat en Ukraine.

Pendant ce temps, le ministre de l’Économie, Bruno Le Maire, livre le programme sur lequel il entend se présenter à la prochaine présidentielle, bien qu’il s’en défende. Programme de guerre là aussi, de guerre contre la classe ouvrière.

Ses propositions consistent à s’attaquer aux retraites (« Le grand âge pèse lourdement sur les comptes sociaux »), à l’assurance maladie, notamment la prise en charge des affections de longue durée, et à l’assurance chômage (dont la durée d’indemnisation est « parmi les plus généreuses d’Europe »).

Lire la suite abo.latribunedestravailleurs.fr

Natacha Polony: “Macron is considering troops in Ukraine: let’s wake up or it will be total war”

Feb 27, 2024

When we consider sending Western troops to Ukraine, when we deliver long-range missiles whose target can only be Moscow, it is appropriate, if we are still in a democracy, to clearly tell citizens what that means, judge Natacha Polony, editorial director of “Marianne”.

It is no longer about Emmanuel Macron or his postures as a virile little leader. It is no longer even about France or its weakening by blind and irresponsible elites. It is a question of knowing whether we will collectively agree to sleepwalk into war. A war that no one can claim will be controlled or contained. It’s a question of whether we agree to send our children to die because the United States insisted on setting up bases on Russia’s borders.

Read also:
Gérard Filoche : "Je ne suis pas exclu mais je quitte le PS"

Contineu reading at www-marianne-net.translate.goog

War in Ukraine: from caution to panic… What Macron’s shift hides

By Laurent Valdiguié
Mar 7, 2024

What happened to the president when he considered sending troops to Ukraine? Several confidential defense reports explain the “panic” at the Élysée, where party leaders are invited this Thursday, March 7, to discuss the issue. On the front, the Russians are in a position of strength. However, was it necessary, in the face of Putin, to brandish an untenable threat?

By not ruling out sending troops to Ukraine , Emmanuel Macron caused an outcry in Europe and received American disavowal. Several French soldiers, interviewed by Marianne, say they “fell out of the closet” . “We must make no mistake, facing the Russians, we are an army of cheerleaders! », mocks a senior officer, convinced that “sending French troops” to the Ukrainian front would simply be “not reasonable” . At the Élysée, we assume the position: “The president wanted to send a strong signal”, slips an advisor, using the formula “millimetered and calibrated remarks”.

Continue reading atwww-marianne-net.translate.goog

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