Letter from Palestine

There is an an ongoing genocide in Gaza. Just in the three days of the Ramadan Eid (the most important and equivalent to Christmas in the Christian world), the Israeli occupation forces committed over 20 massacres of entire families killing over 170 women and children. In these same 72hours, Israeli colonial settlers and soldiers were on a rampage here in the occupied West Bank. This pogrom involved burning cars, houses, shops, destroying streets and more. Meanwhile after Israel broke yet again International conventions and nternational law by attacking the Iranian embassy area destroying its consulate in Damascus. Some people call Israel US’s proxy in the region but I tend to think it is the other way around: the US is largely occupied by “Israel” via its lobbies in Washington and in state legislatures (see xxx). The US has two alleged “parties” democrats and republicans but both seem run by the same entity whose allegiance is Zionists not US interests. The fascist regime running Israel failing to achieve its imperial interests and floundering in the past six months (only succeeding to kill civilians despite billions in US military aid) is trying to draw the US into a regional and possibly a global war hoping to change the dynamic. If they succeed in this (and I give it a 60% chance), they will end Zionism in the most catastrophic way. If humanity survives his, certainly “Israel” ass an apartheid racist, genocidal state will not survive it. Stay tuned for outcome. But in the meantime, we Palestinians will continue to struggle for our right to return to all of Palestine, for our self-determination in our country (all of Palestine), for equality of all people here (Jews, Christian, Muslim, Bahai, Druze etc), and for accountability all who murdered civilians. La Luta Continua (the struggle continues) but in the meantime here are things to help us all do better: information and actions not seen in mainstream corporate media (again more positive than negative items followed by action items).

Abandoned pup saved by one of our volunteers
From Palestine to Pallasgreen: Abandoned pup born in Bethlehem rescued by volunteer

The Hebrew University in Jerusalem has reinstated Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, the internationally renowned feminist Palestinian professor, who was suspended earlier this month after saying in an interview Israel was committing genocide in Gaza.
Hebrew University Reinstates Palestinian Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian Following Outcry

The Miracle of Kindness: What Chris Hedges learned from the Palestinians
The Miracle of Kindness: What Chris Hedges learned from the Palestinians

12 year old Gaza hospital volunteer

Nicaragua Slams Germany at ICJ for Supporting Israel
LIVE: ICJ hears Nicaragua ‘genocide’ case against Germany over Israel war in Gaza

Following Aaron Bushnell: American Veterans speak out
US Special Forces veteran: ‘What is going on in Palestine is not war’

Radio Interview relevant to my trip toAustralia  52:50  to 1:12:23
 Land, Biodiversity & the Colony: an introduction

I shared this song (children singing to Children) during Christmas. I still
get emotional when I hear it so I share it again
RFS Song to the World

One person can make a difference “Over 14,000 children are dead because you are bribed!” – USAID Samantha Power Hearing

Tucker Carlson interviews Rev. Munther Ishaq
How Does the Government of Israel Treat Christians? Christian Leaders in the West Should Care

American Surgeons Return from Gaza, Call for End of U.S. Culpability in
Genocide American Surgeons Return from Gaza, Call for End of U.S. Culpability in Genocide


The killing of Walid Daqqa by denying medical care

Watch this Israeli documentary, the lab The Lab (2013) [Israel’s Weapons-Testing Human Laboratory]
israel’s moral dilemma

Arrested and held unlawfully, thousands of Palestinians are suffering abuse
at the hands of Israeli captors
More than 7,350 West Bank Palestinians arrested by Israel during Gaza war

Congress Introduces ADL-Backed ‘Countering Antisemitism Act’ to Police
Online Speech to end criticism of Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing
Congress Introduces ADL-Backed ‘Countering Antisemitism Act’ to Police Online Speech

Zionist until he visited here became anti-zionist
“Going To Israel Made Me Anti-Zionist” – Former Zionist Jew

Israeli regime kills the children and grandchildren of Hamas political bureau chief hoping to end a potential deal for a ceasefire. Similarly the attack on the consulate of Iran in Damascus was intended to scuttle a deal. Remains to be seen whether Israel succeeds in its intention: finding itself in a deep hole, it wants to dig deeper and get the US to dig with it.


Monday 15 April: Global strike to end the genocide and demand accountability
What is the global strike demanding ceasefire in Gaza?

Ban Israel from Eurovision

UK Stop arming Israel #StopArmingIsrael

US Boats to Gaza helps Freedom Flotilla Effort to Break the Siege
US Boats to Gaza helps Freedom Flotilla Effort to Break the Siege

From IJV canada: on six months of genocide
Today marks six months of genocide.

U.S.: Investigate Israel Bonds for Failure to Register as Foreign Agent,
Potential Sanctions Violations
U.S.: Investigate Israel Bonds for Failure to Register as Foreign Agent, Potential Sanctions Violations

War is not green. Ecocide=genocide
Tell Congress: War is Not Green! Genocide=Ecocide!

Amplify Gaza Stories on Instagram: Login • Instagram


Is Italy’s support for Israel linked to Gaza’s offshore gas?
Is Italy’s support for Israel linked to Gaza’s offshore gas?

Elephant in the room: the Israeli occupation
Academics4Peace – Aug ’23: Elephant in the Room

Helena Cobban: Past time to stop demonizing Ha.mas
It’s past time to end the demonization of Hamas – Globalities

The destruction of Palestined is the destruction of the earth

Bassam Sharif remarkable insightful speech

Is Israel above the law? Israel: Above the law? | Featured Documentary
Footballers last words Palestinian Footballer last words before being k*lled

Videos of malnourished children show Gaza’s forced starvation crisis: Starvation is getting worse in north Gaza where 31% of children under the age of 2 are suffering from acute malnutrition, a percentage which has doubled since January
Videos of malnourished children show Gaza’s starvation crisis

‘If I were injured there, the best thing would be to die’: An ICU doctor’s
devastating mission to Gaza
‘If I were injured there, the best thing would be to die’: An ICU doctor’s devastating mission to Gaza
The Red Cow and the temple This Red Cow Might Destroy the World

US President Biden signed the spending bill, which includes provi sions to cut funding to UNRWA (a UN humanitarian agency that aids Palestinian refugees) & gives Israel $3.8 billion, even after as the latter is committing genocide.

 Francesca Albanese a heroic UN official reports to the UN Human Rights

Israel is dragging the US into a future regional war

Israel is dragging the US into a future regional war

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Sharing the Land of Canaan – Home
Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability
facebook pages
Personal https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
Institute https://www.facebook.com/PIBS.PMNH
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Turkey treatens with a new invasion in Syria

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