Just one more ridiculous accusation or one more “weapon” to consolidate “Trumpism”

Roger Stone’s voter fraud conspiracy: North Korean boats delivered ballot dumps through Maine harbor

3 Dec, 2020

Former Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone has claimed he’s seen irrefutable evidence of voter fraud in the presidential election carried out by none other than North Korea.

“I just learned of absolute incontrovertible evidence of North Korean boats delivering ballots through a harbor in Maine, the state of Maine,” Stone told The Alex Jones Show. “If this checks out, if law enforcement looked into that and it turned out to be true, it would be proof of foreign involvement in the election.”

Stone also threw his weight behind the theory that there had been “cyber manipulation” in the election, something the president has also claimed.

Host Alex Jones agreed there was cyber manipulation through the Dominion Voting Systems, but claimed it was China that was behind the fraud rather than North Korea.

While many Trump supporters have been vocal about their belief that Joe Biden’s victory is because of targeted fraud, critics have dismissed the theories and cited a lack of evidence. Stone’s assertion of North Korean involvement has been especially mocked.

“Every single thing about this is incredibly idiotic but none [moreso] than the idea that North Korea would head to the East Coast,” Washington Post reporter Philip Bump tweeted on response.

“This is the craziest bullshit I’ve seen so far. No one can believe this, right? Not even MAGAs? Right? WTF,” writer Holly Figueroa O’Reilly added.

Stone, a longtime conservative political consultant, was sentenced to 40 months in prison in February for lying to investigators during the Robert Mueller investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. President Trump commuted that sentence in July.

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Prosecutors originally recommended a sentence of up to nine years for Stone, which the president slammed as “horrible,” blasting Mueller’s investigation as carrying out the “real crimes.” 

Published at www.rt.com