Jared Kushner, The Secretary of Secretaries

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump must leave White House after private email scandal exposes hypocrisy

By Jennifer Rubin

The continued presence of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump in the West Wing constitutes both a legal liability and a political embarrassment for President Trump. The couple have not a single identifiable accomplishment in office between the two of them. Ivanka Trump, however, has been on defence, whining about unfair expectations and trying to wiggle out of responsibility for failing to influence her father. Kushner wound up at odds with the State Department and was there to cheer on disastrous personnel decisions (e.g. hiring Paul Manafort during the campaign, firing former FBI director James B. Comey).

Read more at http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/ivanka-trump-jared-kushner-editorial-jennifer-rubin-donald-white-house-west-wing-emails-russia-a7983836.html

Jared Kushner

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jared Corey Kushner (born January 10, 1981) is an American investor, real-estate developer, and newspaper publisher who is currently senior advisor to US President Donald Trump. Kushner is the elder son of real-estate developer Charles Kushner, and is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka. He was chief executive officer of the real-estate holding and development company Kushner Companies, and of Observer Media, publisher of the New York Observer. He is the co-founder and part owner of Cadre, an online real-estate investment platform.

Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Kushner

The Young Trump

Jared Kushner is more like his father-in-law than anyone imagines.

By Andrew Rice

Until very recently, and to all outward appearances, Jared Kushner was just another socially striving young businessman with inoffensively Bloombergian political values. But over the past year, something seems to have changed — in his beliefs, in his manner, in his relationship to his peers among New York City’s elite. On a frigid day in December, Kushner visited the Times Square headquarters of Morgan Stanley to address a private meeting that the Partnership for New York City, which represents the interests of the business community, convened to discuss the outcome of the presidential election.

Read also:
Trump administration escalates threat to “utterly destroy” North Korea

Read more at http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/01/jared-kushner-trump-administration-power.html

Paydirt: Kingmaker Kushner, Jon Gray passes on Treasury, the ruling that could change dual-agency deals … & more

By Hiten Samtani
November 28, 2016

Kushner breaks the silence: “This guy got Trump elected,” screams the headline for Forbes’ new cover story on Jared Kushner, the first real interview the developer has given since getting involved in Donald Trump’s against-all-odds presidential campaign. Kushner told the magazine he spearheaded his father-in-law’s incredibly successful digital outreach.

Read more at https://therealdeal.com/2016/11/28/paydirt-kingmaker-kushner-jon-gray-passes-on-treasury-the-ruling-that-could-change-dual-agency-deals-more/

When Netanyahu slept at the Kushners — media tales of Trump’s Jewish confidants

February 14, 2017

Netanyahu has long been a friend of the Kushners, and particularly Jared’s dad, Charles Kushner, a major donor to pro-Israel and Jewish causes. One time, Kantor reports – she doesn’t specify when – Jared gave up his bed and moved to the basement so Netanyahu could spend the night at their home in Livingston, New Jersey.

Read more at http://www.jpost.com/American-Politics/When-Netanyahu-slept-at-the-Kushners-and-other-media-tales-of-Trumps-Jewish-confidantes-481486

Ivanka and Jared’s Power Play

By Lizzie Widdicombe

How the patrician couple came to have an outsized influence on a populist Presidential campaign.

The modern Presidential campaign may be the world’s most sophisticated pop-up operation, a billion-dollar multilayered organization that, if it hopes to succeed, must be as technologically sophisticated and responsive as any Silicon Valley unicorn. A campaign includes armies of social-media worker bees, data crunchers, messaging experts, policy advisers, media surrogates, fund-raising chiefs, oppo-research teams, volunteers, and, above all, coolheaded managers, who can formulate a coherent position on Chinese trade policy and a plan for how to get out the vote in Hillsborough County in a lightning storm.

Read also:
Beijing Denies Sending Troops To Venezuela

Read more at https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/08/22/ivanka-trump-and-jared-kushners-power-play?mbid=synd_digg

Jared Kushner once broke up with Ivanka Trump because she wasn’t Jewish

Couple split briefly in 2008, only got back together after Wendi Murdoch invited them for a weekend on her yacht, report says

By Eric Cortellessa
August 17, 2016

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and her Jewish husband Jared Kushner — often cited by those who wish to downplay accusations of anti-Semitism in the Trump campaign and validate the candidate’s commitment to the Jewish community — once separated, three years into their relationship, because Ivanka was not a member of the tribe at the time.

Read more at https://www.timesofisrael.com/jared-kushner-once-broke-up-with-ivanka-trump-because-she-wasnt-jewish/

Also read

Unbelievable: China and Kushner