International week to demand the release of George Abdallah, Ahmad Sa’adat & all the prisoners


June 19 is the International Day of Revolutionary Prisoners. This date is an important milestone in the struggle that is taken up each year by the unitary campaign to demand the release of Georges Abdallah, an Arab communist fighter for the national liberation struggle in Palestine, who has been imprisoned in the jails of the French state for 36 years, although he has been eligible for release since 1999.

Georges Abdallah is a revolutionary prisoner who has no regrets or remorse for the struggle he has always led alongside the Palestinian resistance, against imperialism, capitalism, Zionism, colonialism and the Arab reactionary states and all forms of oppression. This struggle, which he continues today, on a daily basis, for justice, freedom and the emancipation of oppressed peoples, is fully inscribed in the breeding ground of current struggles. It is that of the just and legitimate revolts of those who oppose the capitalist offensive and its wars of plunder. It is that of all those who face the repressive violence of the state, who descend upon them in an attempt to gag them. It is that of all those who reject all reformism and compromise with this system and fully engage in this class struggle against class alongside the masses and popular quarters. This struggle of a lifetime is ours!

In recent months, many voices and forces, despite the particular context of the pandemic and the imposed confinement, have once again responded to our comrade’s call for “a thousand solidarity initiatives to flourish”. Many are now the voices and forces that are determined to make the representatives of French imperialism understand that “his imprisonment is really beginning to outweigh the possible threats inherent in his release”. Many people are now mobilizing locally, nationally and internationally to secure his release by establishing a real balance of power through militant actions everywhere and on all fronts.

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It is in this sense that we call on all those who, like us, recognize themselves in Georges Abdallah’s struggle and affirm its topicality and urgency, to act, in the diversity of our expressions, during the international week of actions that will take place from June 15 to June 22, 2020, to demand the release of Georges Abdallah.

This week of actions will also be an opportunity to mobilize for the release of Ahmad Sa’adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front, fighter for the liberation of Palestine, leader of the Palestinian national liberation movement and symbol of the international revolutionary movement, arrested for 18 years by the Palestinian Authority in the framework of the “security cooperation” with the Zionist occupier and imprisoned since 2006 in the jails of the Zionist entity.

His struggle and that of all the Palestinian prisoners is also that of Georges Abdallah – the struggle of an unwavering commitment to the just cause of the oppressed peoples of Palestine, Lebanon, and the whole world. This struggle alongside the peoples in struggle is also that of all the revolutionary prisoners of the world: that of all those women and men from India, Peru, the Philippines, Turkey, Italy, Spain, the Basque Country and elsewhere – true spearheads of the struggle and advanced trenches of the revolutionary struggle, who fought for the advent of a better world – who are now detained and whom we must also honour and defend especially on this 19 June 2020 but also during this international week of action.

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It is together and only together in the diversity of our expressions that we will win!

Immediate freedom for Georges Abdallah!

Immediate freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat

Freedom for all revolutionary prisoners!

Paris, 02 June 2020 

Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah – Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Network – Campagne internationale pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – Campagne internationale pour la libération d’Ahmad Sa’adat – Collectif pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – Le Collectif Rouge Internationaliste pour la défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires – Comité d’action et de soutien aux luttes du peuple Marocain