[HumanRights] Questions

Thomas Mann (1875 – 1955): “War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.”

Today Israeli occupation forces attacked more hospitals in Gaza including the Indonesian Hospital. Medicines are not allowed yet including most cancer medicines (one month now) and no fuel for hospitals in the North. 18 Palestinians were killed today in the West Bank and over a 150 in Gaza. The US is still trying to do tokenism by saying they can agree to a 4 hour pause daily. That is four hours for the Israeli military trorefule and resume the genocide for the next 20 hours daily.  Humane Gaza Doctors respond to inhuman Israeli doctors who called for more hospital bombings



If all Gaza hospitals (eye hospital, cancer hospital, pediatric hospital etc) are fair game for bombing because of the Zionist lie that they house Hamas: a) why not allow independent verification of Israel’s claims as requested by hospital directors (also about the tens of thousands of residential apartments destroyed) , and b) even if the lie is true, how do you explain denial of medicines, electricity, food, and water to 2.5 million people including those  hospitals? This is a very good interview with a nurse who just left Gaza:


Do Palestinians, colonized, ethnically cleansed, oppressed for 75 years have a right to defend themselves?

Is death by thirst or starvation more or less merciful than death by direct bombing of civilians?

Does the Israeli public really want the hostages out? Or are they like their government content to have them dead so that there is no prisoner exchange??? 30% of the captives already died in Gaza due to the carpet bombing that decimated 45% of Gaza residential buildings and other infrastructure (so they are actually better protected than Gaza population). Released video from Israeli hellicopter confirmed Israeli forces killed Israeli civilians confirming earlier reports that question the narrative given about Hamas (and you still believe headless babies and rapes)

Read also:
Trump Presents Offer the Palestinians Can’t Refuse


Do people really know that things started in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration and had Nakba 1 in 1948 and that Israel’s plan for finishing the Nakba is only being thwarted by our resistance https://youtu.be/rGVgjS98OsU

Report: 7 October testimonies strike major blow to Israeli narrative


Is the US, Germany and other Western countries letting Israel do the genocide in Gaza so that the close the blame (and the guilt) of the Jewish holocaust or their own guilt of colonialism, ethnic cleansing and genocides?

If there is no military “solution” to this conflict, will Israeli and Palestinian leaders (yes including resistance leaders like those of Hamas) sit down and discuss a solution based on equal rights and responsibilities and either two separate and equal sovereign states with refugee return or one democratic state for all its people? With teh US having been a partner in the genocide and forefeighted its ability to be a broker, who can broker such a peace (maybe China, Russia)?

Wll the genocide of Palestinians in the 2020s be the last genocide?

Isn’t genocide an acceptable price to pay for having a Jewish state?

Why is calling for a ceasefre in the middle of genocide considered “controversial”?

Will we have the new Middle East in the vision of Netanyahu (Zionist control of the whole area sans Palestinians) and his alternative to China Belt and Road? Or will we have a post apartheid and genocide Western Asia where there are secular democracies replacing the porrors of the past 75 years since this aparheid regime was created?

Read also:
American Media Continues to Ignore Historic Hunger Strike Underway in Israeli Prisons

If Israel liquidates the Palestinian struggle, will it be satisfied or will it go on to expand as originally planned from the Euphrates in Iraq to the Nile of Egypt?

Will people remember this in later years and set up Palestinian holocaust museums around the world?

Will Israeli citizens and Jewish supporters of Israel be able to recover from having supported genocide and ethnic cleansing or will this create a permanant scar on Jewish psyche?

Why do leaders of other countries like Brazil and Venezuela speak and act better than most of the self-declared Arab leaders about the ongoing genocide  e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrB86Y16BcU  ?

Does it send a chilling or an awakening message for the US Congress to vote 224 to 188 to “censure” Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (the only Palestinian American in a congress manipulated by a Zionist lobby)? Incidentally the 22 democrats whho voted for censure are all supported by the Zionist lobby.

Does it send a chilling message to allow Zionists to use their influence in media and governments globally to attack those who call for a Free Palestine?

Have you ever wondered what you would be doing if you were in the middle of one of the many holocausts in human history (Congo, Vietnam, Armenian, Eastern Europe in WWII, Rwanda…)? [you are doing it now!]

“From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” is a slogan echoing around the world in massive demonstrations that are the most diverse and largest in history (Christian, Musulim, Jews, Hindus etc). Is it anti-Semitic or is it like people in South Africa calling for freedom in all South Africa not just bantustans (freedom from apartheid does not mean being anti-white)?

Read also:
UN chief proposes military force to protect Palestinians from Israel

Will countriues like Australia and the UK ever recover from having directly supported the most horrific genocide in the 21st century? See https://michaelwest.com.au/six-eyes-australias-secret-support-for-the-israeli-assault-on-gaza-through-pine-gap/

Israel’s war in numbers

My interview with Sputnik
Rallies continue globally and pressure on governments need to increase to
stop this genocide. Keep pushing please.
Here are two million solidarity rally in Jakarta last Sunday
Stay Human and keep Palestine alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages

Today Israeli occupation forces attacked more hospitals in Gaza including the Indonesian Hospital. Medicines are not allowed yet including most cancer medicines (one month now) and no fuel for hospitals in the North. 18 Palestinians were killed today in the West Bank and over a 150 in Gaza. The US is still trying to do tokenism by saying they can agree to a 4 hour pause daily. That is four hours for the Israeli military trorefule and resume the genocide for the next 20 hours daily.  Humane Gaza Doctors respond to inhuman Israeli doctors who called for more hospital bombings