Hezbollah: The Resistance Won a Great Victory in the Elections

Hezbollah leader appreciates the support of the Lebanese people for the Resistance in the elections and considers the vote “a great victory” for the Shiite movement.

May 18, 2022

“The Resistance won a great victory in the elections in Lebanon,” Lebanese Islamic Resistance Movement (Hezbollah) Secretary-General Seyed Hasan Nasrallah said Wednesday in his first speech following Sunday’s vote.

Nasrallah exposed his gratitude for the participation of all Lebanese in the parliamentary elections, in which the Hezbollah-led coalition won 62 seats, equivalent to nearly half of the 128-member parliament.

He highlighted that the elections in Lebanon were a great battle against the Lebanese movement, Nasrallah added that the huge support for the movement and its allies in the elections showed the people’s commitment to the path of the Resistance.

He emphasized that despite years of aggressive campaigns targeting the Resistance, led by the U.S., the number of votes and MPs of Hezbollah and its allies in the Parliament has increased. It also showed that the enemies of the Resistance invested a lot of money to prevent its victory in the elections.

The top Hezbollah official has rejected the lies and rumors spread by the opposition, including that the Resistance bloc sought to postpone the elections, that the vote was held under the presence of the Shiite movement’s weapons, and the influence of Iran, a key Hezbollah ally.

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“We saw the U.S. embassy and the electoral lists that were made there. We saw the Saudi ambassador and the bags of money that were spent. Did anyone see any Iranians meddling in those elections?” he has asked.

As for the results of the elections, he emphasized that no group can claim a majority in the Lebanese Parliament, which, in his opinion, is in Lebanon’s interest. He called for cooperation and partnership between political groups and factions in order to help solve the nation’s problems. In this regard, he warned that the alternative to cooperation is “chaos and emptiness.”

“The magnitude of the financial, monetary, economic, and livelihood crises [in the country] is so great that no single group alone can solve them, even if it gets a majority [of seats],” he continued to say.

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