Greece: new scandals, more demonstrations, end of the hunger strike

The multi-faceted new Greek crisis is getting deeper and deeper every passing day now. As for the Greek (and international) media, they follow the North Korean model of journalism . They just do not report events which would make headlines some years ago (the same has also happened to a large extent recently concerning the enormous social movement of Yellow Vests in France).

With two days of delay, the sister of PM Mitsotakis and former Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyanni has admitted the fact that her personal car driven by a policeman hit a student outside the parliament, as it was running to enter the building. It seems the driver, full of arrogance, did not pay any attention to the traffic lights. The student, who was also working in a restaurant, lies in the hospital and doctors consider quasi – certain his death. The many policemen present in the scene did not apply the standard procedure in such cases of arresting the driver and getting the testimonies of those present, in fact doing everything which could be considered as an attempt of cover – up, even intimidating a person who was present, imposing to him a 300 euros fine for violation of lockdown rules and asking him to leave immediately. (

The main stream media did not report anything until the time we are writing this comment but the incident became widely known by alternative media and twitter accounts. It is already provoking huge emotion to the public opinion.

At the same time essentially spontaneous demonstrations against police brutality and the new authoritarianism have taken place in dozens of Greek cities. It is the first movement of such proportions since the huge demonstrations about Macedonia three years ago. They also go unreported by Greek and international media. The Greek government has provided large funds to the media twice, invoking the need to inform the public about COVID.

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The PM decided to forbid comments in his Facebook and Twitter accounts after a torrent of critical or even insulting comments. A poll published yesterday shows that a large majority of Greeks believe Greek police is worse than other police forces in Europe and it is using disproportionate violence.

As for the hunger striker, already for 66 days, Dimitris Koufontinas, 63 years old, he allowed the gradual start of his feeding, thanking all those who stood in solidarity with him. His state of health remains critical due to the complications he suffered.

In his declaration he says: “What’s happening out there (in the streets and the squares) is much more important than what it started for. In front of the strength of these struggles, I declare for my part that with my heart and mind I am there, among you”.

He noted also that ” the family that governs (i.e. Mitsotakis’ family) proved how ruthless it is in the humiliation of laws and the Constitution, in the management of Justice. I give them away. They are judged by the people who go down the streets.”

At the same time, he thanked “friends and comrades who stood in solidarity. I thank all progressive people for their sympathy, which was not sympathy for one person, but in a moment of struggle, against an Inhuman power.”

At the same time, he thanked “friends and comrades who stood in solidarity. I thank all progressive people for their sympathy, which was not sympathy for one person, but in a moment of struggle, against an Inhuman power.”

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Solidarity and support that showed that there are living social forces that resist arbitrariness, violence and authoritarianism. And that is a new hope, ” he added.

Meanwhile the state of his health remains serious due to the complications he has suffered, according to the latest update from the hospital that informs that the medical nursing staff of ICU proceeded from today “at his desire, to gradually start feeding and nutritional support of the patient, aiming to reverse as far as possible established disorders and prevent further damage to his health”.

Koufontinas took this decision after calls to the striker by various organizations which supported his request for a transfer to Korydallos prison, to stop his fight since he has already fully highlighted the authoritarian and vindictive attitude of the government.

Mass protests were held daily against the decision of the government with a crowds of citizens demanding that Dimitris Koufontinas not become the first dead prisoner of hunger striker in Greece. Police has intervened but it was unable to intimidate protesters.


Also read

Greece: A turn in Koufontinas case?

Greece: Massive anti-government demonstrations, massive news blackout