From Hitler to … Netanyahu. The love affair between German hard Right and Israel. Maybe Nazis were misunderstood?

Yair Netanyahu is poster boy for a German far-right politician

AfD member Joachim Kuh using quote from PM’s son calling for death of EU and return of a ‘Christian’ Europe, together with a picture of him, in propaganda post
May 7, 2020
Yair Netanyahu, the prime minister’s son, last week called for the death of the European Union and the return of a “Christian” Europe.
Now a far-right politician in Germany has made the tweeted quote into a graphic that he in turn posted on Twitter. Joachim Kuhs, a senior European Parliament member for the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, also tacked on a picture of Benjamin Netanyahu’s son.
Kuhs was quoting an April 28 tweet — written in response to the EU delegation in Israel — in which the younger Netanyahu said, “Schengen zone is dead and soon your evil globalist organization will be too, and Europe will return to be free, democratic and Christian!”

Netanyahu’s Son Becomes Star of German Nationalist Party After Calling EU ‘Evil’

AfD lawmaker tweets poster quoting Yair Netanyahu after the prime minister’s son appealed for a return to a ‘free, democratic and Christian’ Europe
May 07, 2020
Yair Netanyahu, the son of the Israeli prime minister, has become the new campaign face for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party after calling the European Union an “evil globalist organization” last week.
Senior AfD lawmaker Joachim Kuhs tweeted on Wednesday a poster of Netanyahu, echoing his calls for “a free, democratic and Christian” Europe.
“#Christianity is the #Remedy for the evils of the globalist #EU, writes Yair Netanyahu,” Kuhs tweeted alongside a poster that reads: “Schengen is dead. Hopefully, the globalist EU will be too. Then, Europe will again be free, democratic and Christian.”

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The two pariahs, Israel and AfD, should work together

While Israel struggles to form a new government, the AfD („Alternative for Germany“) party would like to congratulate the only democracy in the Middle East on its thriving, vibrant system of self-rule – even if it sometimes can be a headache.
By Petr Bystron
We know that Israelis can often feel left alone amid a host of enemies, in world where everybody seems to be against them. Believe me, we know the feeling. In Europe, it has become consensus (especially on the left) to criticize Israel for merely trying to defend itself, while turning a blind eye to the aggression and human rights abuses of Hamas, Hezbollah and other neighboring states.
We in the AfD are the only party in Germany to challenge this status quo. While our political opponents try to smear us as “fascist” or even “neo-Nazi”, we are actually a solidly conservative party which follows a political program very similar to that of the Christian Democrats before Angela Merkel took her party far to the left, and decided to open the borders for mass Islamic immigration – as even a study by the Christian Democrat related Hanns Seidel Foundation showed.

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AfD takes Germany down a dangerous path to the far-right

Israel’s dance with far-right movements across the world