Evo Thanks Alberto Fernandez’s Argentina for Its Hospitality

15 November 2019

“I don’t lose hope of returning to Bolivia. And if I approach Bolivia through Argentina, even better. We are analyzing (Fernández’s proposal) but we will let a little more time go by, ” the head of Movimiento al Socialismo expressed from Mexico.

Bolivian president, Evo Morales, acknowledged from Mexico that he is “analyzing” the invitation that elected president Alberto Fernández made him to travel to Argentina and regretted that the current government of Mauricio Macri has prioritized maintaining “the ideological differences ”instead of“ defending democracy ”.

“I don’t lose hope of returning to Bolivia. And if I approach Bolivia through Argentina, even better. We are analyzing (Fernández’s proposal) but we will let a little more time go by, ” the head of Movimiento al Socialismo expressed from Mexico, where he has been given political asylum.

At the same time, Morales thanked the support “of the Argentinian people” and questioned the position of the Macri’s administration of not recognizing that there was a coup d’etat in Bolivia.

In a radio interview, he also spoke of understanding their ideological differences “but aside from these ideological and programmatic differences, the first thing must be to defend democracy.”

In addition, Evo denied once more the allegations of fraud in the elections that made him a winner in the first round. “There were some mistakes but there was no fraud. How can I do fraud? I am not a liar, I am not a person who hurts,” he remarked.

The first indigenous president of Bolivia denounced that the right-wing “invented the issue of fraud” to start a process against him. In this sense, he also blamed the United States and the Organization of American States (OAS) for being “responsible” for his fall after being legally reelected for a new term.

Mesa and his coup accomplices lie to the media and repress the people to violate the Constitution. Now they attack our asylum status with fallacies and announce amnesty for their fugitive allies; sure to return Goni, the separatists and Sánchez Berzaín.

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“I am very sorry that the OAS is with some in the United States making coups. History will judge,” Morales sentenced and also regretted that “many media outlets” in his country have been part of the coup d’etat. “Its owners are part of the oligarchy and are at the service of this coup,” he said.

During the interview, he regretted what is happening in his country and denounced that “oligarchic groups that hold economic power, unfortunately with police and the Armed Forces, did not forgive the social and indigenous movements but we continue with our democratic and cultural revolution.”

Morales once again called the opposition candidate Carlos Mesa and the far-right leader Fernando Camacho responsible for “organizing vandalism groups” that after the elections “burned departmental courts to burn both the votes of suffrage.”

The dictatorship of Jeanine Áñez and the coup p​lotters Mesa and Camacho enjoys the complicity of former Albarracín and Villena people to massacre the humble people who march peacefully to return to democracy. They will have to answer for serious crimes against humanity.

He reiterated that his resignation was “so that my brothers’ houses were not burned, my sisters are not attacked and that the violence exerted by the right stops” and remarked that the parties and organizations that always supported him “take care of life ”until the last moment.

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However, their opponents “do not accept that the social and indigenous movements are ruling. They do not accept our social programs that, under a policy of redistribution of wealth, lowered extreme poverty. They did not forgive us the nationalization of hydrocarbons and natural resources. ”

Then he asked himself “why are they (opposition) so afraid of Evo and social movements?”, and he grieved that “now everyone sees hatred and racism against the indigenous movement” in Bolivia

Finally, he expressed “hopefulness” that “with the United Nations Organization (UN) we will begin a peace dialogue” in the country and that he is willing to “return if the people ask me to.”

“We are peace fighters, for social justice, we work to avoid confrontation,” he concluded.

Published at https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Evo-Thanks-Alberto-Fernandezs-Argentina-for-Its-Hospitality-20191115-0011.html