Even the “blue” trade unionists react to the sale of the PPC

The secret decision of the Mitsotakis government to privatize PPC through the capital increase and also amidst energy price increases has provoked strong reactions.

The administration’s sudden announcement of a capital increase brings the percentage held by the state from 51% to 33% with DAKE GENOP PPC calling for a fight “to once again save the character of the Greek people’s business, which has been built. with blood and sweat of previous generations “.

Read also: Shock and amazement: the Mitsotaki government privatizes PPC through a capital increase of 750 million euros

Even the “blue” trade unionists show their strong reaction to the government’s plans, underlining that “in essence, New Democracy is transforming the PUBLIC ELECTRICITY COMPANY into a PRIVATE COMPANY, which in addition to its assets, on substance and on the NAME itself” .

DAKE GENOP / PPC announcement in detail:

We have a DEBT with respect to our history to pass on to the next generations, the one we have inherited !!!

Colleagues, colleagues

The sudden proposal by the management of PPC, for a share capital increase of 750 million euros with the denial of the right of the Greek State to participate by transferring the right to PPC and selling it to foreign investors, substantially transforms PUBLIC EPIHI into a PRIVATE COMPANY , which in addition to its heritage and its character, essentially LOSS its NAME !!! The flagship brand that all market players – and not just us “hard-working” public employees – consider to be the basis for lasting and guaranteed profitability. Without taking an interest in the balance between Greek society, the Greek consumer and the public interest. As happened a few days ago, when the Public PPC absorbed the increase in kilowatt hours. It was the guarantee of the increase in energy demand, putting – at a loss – the lignite units in the system, guaranteeing the country’s energy security.

Many say – completely hypocritically – that this was an unexpected move. As many within PPC have built careers by playing with words, it is CLEAR that this development was NOT ONLY unexpected, because

OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE knows that all public assets and PPCs are mortgaged to lenders.

OBVIOUSLY, EVERYONE knows that the split into the PPC Group in 2010, and the further break-up, resulted in the sale of IPTO and the imminent shareholding of HEDNO.

OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE knows that in 2011-2012 (under the PASOK-SW governments) 17% of the shares had been transferred to HRDH.

OBVIOUSLY, everyone knows that in 2016 (under the SYRIZA-ANEL governments) 34% of the shares were transferred to the Superfund.

OBVIOUSLY, everyone knows that from 2011 to 2021 under the PASOK – ND and SYRIZA governments, 17% was transferred to the HRDF for sale, as collateral for the lenders.

OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE knows about the devaluation of lignite. The failed SALE attempt of the previous government. The increase in CO2. The new administration and the government announce the radical transformation of the Company, but without realizing its social character.

OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE knows that the capitalization of the parent company cannot be lower than that of its subsidiaries.
Memoranda may have “started out” as some “professional truth-benders” like to compromise, but public ownership, by extension PPC, remained a guarantee for lenders for the next 99 years.

Because the privatization of the largest industrial company in the Balkans has been rumored for 30 years, but it has been exploited and made OBLIGATORY in the last decade, by all those who signed the memorandum.

There is no point in making memorials. It makes sense in FIGHT to once again save the character of the Greek People’s Enterprise, built with blood and sweat from previous generations. We have a duty to pass it on to the next ATOPIA and DYNATI generations.

It makes sense to protect the public character of the Greek people’s enterprise. Because ONLY as an audience could it be developed. Continue to be Industry. Continue to employ thousands of employees. Continue to carry out its social work, parallel to its entrepreneurial activity.

Colleagues, colleagues

We have a DEBT to give ANOTHER BATTLE !!!

DAKE GENOP PPC will return to being FRONT in games, as in all previous battles !!! Without inarticulate screams and cheap populism. With proposals and targeted interventions for the benefit of the company and the people who made it great.

We consider the privatization of PPC harmful to society, its employees, the Greek economy and we will fight to the end to prevent it.

Our proposal is to increase the share capital of EFKA to 3.93% to fully cover the Greek state, taking into account the integrated ownership of PPC employees, which has been taken away from all governments that have implemented the laws of the memorandum.“.

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Published at remonews.com