Europeans and Globalization

Only 5 percent of the respondents think that the European Union has the greatest global power, while 54 percent of Europeans believe that the United States has the greatest worldwide influence. One in four respondents thinks that China is the most influential power, and 8 percent thinks it is Russia. More than half of EU respondents considered the advantages of globalization to be generally positive, although the picture was far more negative when the question concerned a concrete example of the effects of global economic factors. A large section of Europeans (79 percent) are strongly opposed to the practice of multinational companies moving production where the cost of labor is lowest when this results in the loss of jobs in European countries. Respondents from every country also rejected pressure being placed on the domestic policies of individual countries by foreign political or economic powers through local NGOs.

Numbers of the questions are the same as in the questionnaire.

Q29. Which one of the following four countries or institutions, do you believe is the most influential in the world today?

Q33. Would you say altogether globalization, the rise of global economy is rather good or rather bad to your country?

Q34. Do you agree or disagree that companies in your country should move their production to a country where they find the cheapest labor force even if it causes job losses in your country?

Q24. Do you rather agree or rather disagree that foreign political or economic forces should be allowed to influence the internal affairs of your country through NGOs?


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