Equador: Τhe army joins the protesters against the police


Ecuador 5 Dead as Anti-Gov’t Protests Enter 2nd Week

10 October 2019

Protests against IMF austerity reached their eighth day in Ecuador, as civil society groups denounced the increased police violence, with the country’s Public Defender office confirming that five people have been killed so far. As of Thursday morning, roadblocks by protesters remain in key areas such as Carapungo, the northern exit out of Quito, while Indigenous protesters are concentrated in the center of the city, near the National Assembly.
Some civil society organizations say the figure could be up to seven. CONAIE, an Indigenous group involved in the protest, says they will publish a report in the coming days giving full figures of those killed and injured. This follows the death of Inocencio Tucumbi, an Indigenous leader in Cotopaxi.
Read more at https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Ecuador-5-Dead-as-Anti-Govt-Protests-Enter-2nd-Week-20191010-0004.html

About 300,000 Ecuadoreans To Fall Into Poverty Due to Fuel Price Hike

10 October 2019
On average 300,000 Ecuadoreans, around two percent of the population, will fall into poverty as a direct result of President Lenin Moreno’s decision to eliminate the country’s fuel subsidies, according to a new study published Thursday by the Latin American Geopolitical Strategic Center (CELAG).
This comes as Ecuador’s President announced last week the elimination of gasoline subsidies, tax and labor reforms, and other economic measures aimed at complying with the conditions of the loans granted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Read more at https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/About-300000-Ecuadoreans-To-Fall-Into-Poverty-Due-to-Fuel-Price-Hike-CELAG-20191010-0021.html

ECUADOR, urgente

Atilio Boron
Oct 8, 2019
Comparto una excelente nota de la colega Pamela Dávila Falconí sobre la situación del Ecuador. La situación se ha ido complicando cada vez más con el paso del tiempo y al anochecer de hoy 8 de Octubre la marcha indígena ha puesto al gobierno a la defensiva. Este ha reaccionado con una brutal represión (ver el video de los tres  jóvenes arrojados desde un puente), coaccionando a los medios de comunicación para criminalizar la protesta, cerrando medios opositores como Radio Pichincha Universal que era la única crítica del gobierno y sacando del aire una entrevista que Rafael Correa había concedido en vivo. Lenin y sus compinches están refugiados en Guayaquil pero una columna de los pueblos indígenas se está dirigiendo ahora a esa ciudad y se duda hasta dónde podrá llegar la represión de las fuerzas policiales y de seguridad. En los noventas fueron varios los presidentes derrocados por grandes movilizaciones populares. Parece que los días del infame traidor Moreno están contados. Y si milagrosamente llegara a salvar su presidencia ya nada volverá a ser como antes. Su derrocamiento ahora es apenas una cuestión de tiempo, de poco tiempo.
Read more at http://atilioboron.com.ar/ecuador-urgente/

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