Cyprus condemns Turkish parliament’s resolution, calls it ‘historical distortion’

Jul 19, 2024

The Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement on Friday, condemning a resolution by Turkey’s parliament which called for international recognition of occupied northern Cyprus.

The statement called the resolution “a monument to revisionism and historical distortion,” adding that it attempts to distort the fact of the Turkish invasion and fifty-year occupation of Cyprus.

“The Republic of Cyprus will never accept the faits accomplis of the occupation,” said the Cypriot MFA, highlighting that its goal remains “the liberation of Cyprus from Turkey and the end of its violent division” through the reunification of the Cypriot people.

It concluded by stating that it looks forward to a peaceful, European future for Cyprus, which will be reunited in accordance with UN resolutions.

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Government spokesman rebukes Erdogan

Jul 21, 2024

“Those who are trying to find differences among government officials are on a fool’s errand,” government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis has posted.

Marinakis was commenting on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s call to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to rebuke his Defense Minister Nikos Dendias over a supposed insult – calling Turks invaders, a few days before the 50th anniversary of Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus.

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