Correa: No One Voted For The IMF Or The Increase In Fuel Price

4 October 2019

The former Ecuadorean president warned that Lenin Moreno “is scared to death for his betrayal to the movement (Revolucion Ciudadana) and the people”, because he has taken measures diametrically opposed to his own and to the programmatic proposals that led him to the government.
Former Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa referred to the complicated situation that his country is going through after Lenin Moreno decreed a “State of Exception” in response to protests against adjustment measures agreed with the IMF.
“What happens tears the soul,” Correa said and also compared this social outbreak with the resistance to economic policies of the government of Mauricio Macri.
“They implement these measures to increase poverty, but they are also inefficient, these measures do not generate growth, employment, anything,” Correa stated referring to the reforms of the Argentinian mandatary and the “package” imposed by Moreno last Tuesday, which included an increase in the price of fuel of 123 percent, among other adjustment measures: “These measures failed in Argentina, in Greece and also in Ecuador,” he insisted.
The leader of Revolucion Ciudadana, the same movement that supported Moreno’s presidential campaign, warned that he “is scared to death for his betrayal to the movement and the Ecuadorean people”. Furthermore, Correa questioned that Moreno has taken measures diametrically opposed to his own and to the programmatic proposals that led him to the government: “no one voted for the IMF or the increase in fuel price”

Thousands of Indigenous Farmers Head Towards Ecuador’s Capital

5 October 2019

Indigenous and farmer organizations say that their nationwide movilization, which is against the International Monetary Fund and its neoliberal economic measures, will seize Quito.
Ecuador’s indigenous and union organizations kept protests going on Saturday and promised not to let-up in their push to overturn President Lenin Moreno’s austerity measures, which have convulsed this South American country for three days on a row.
“The Indigenous movement is mobilizing indefinitely in the whole country,” the president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), Jaime Vargas, said.
After blocking roads in rejection of the end of fuel subsidies, some private transport unions called off their strike on Friday night.
Nevertheless, other heavy transport and taxi unions announced that they would continue to support the nationwide strike, especially at the coastal provinces.
Unlike what happened in previous days, Ecuadorean mainstream media were forced to recognize the magnitude of the ongoing social protest.

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