Communique of Global University for Sustainability

2April 2019

Sixth South South Forum on Sustainability (SSFS6) (2019)

This coming June, the Department of Cultural Studies of Lingnan University, and Global University for Sustainability will be organizing the Sixth South South Forum on Sustainability in Hong Kong. The central theme is “Ecology, Livelihood, and Community Regeneration”. For this year’s SSFS6 programme, reader, registration form and other documents, please visit

This year, we would like to encourage dynamic debates, and hence will be starting online exchanges of papers and views.Papers will be made available in English and Chinese at least one month before the Forum. We will also provide live-streamingof the Forum in English and in Putonghua.

The format is as follows:

A.June 28-30: Forum on “Ecology, Livelihood and Community Regeneration”. Rebecca Johnson, Katherine Gibson, Wen Tiejun, Dai Jinhua, Hernan Vargas, among others, will be speakers at the Forum. We hope to have brief speeches but dynamic exchange of views.

B.June 24-26: Summer School on “Nuclear Weapons and Power: Current Challenges and Responses” Rebecca Johnson, Founding President of The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) which was the 2017 Nobel Peace Laureate, will be the speaker. Aihara Hiroko and OhashiMassaki will present the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster case on June 25.

  1. We hope to encourage lectures or workshops to be organized on these days, and the programme design will be the responsibility of the co-organizers. As of now, we have:

C1. July 1-3, 2019: Workshop on Architecture and Urbanism, co-organized with SPIRIT_45. EkaSwadiansais coordinator.

C2. July 1, 2019. Lecture by Katherine Gibson.
If you are interested in organizing a workshop/seminar, please contact us. The Executive Team may assist with the promotion, registration, venue, video-recording, tea breaks, and post-Forum editing of the workshops/seminars. Please note that participants will have to cover their travel, local expenses, and registration fees.

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In addition, on June 27, there will be a visit to local communities in Hong Kong, and an evening screening of the film ”The Bamboo Bridge”.(Free lunch and transport for this activity!)

As we have a stringent budget, and have for years been organizing SSFS mostly with private donations from friends and staff, we cannot cover the travel, food and accommodation of participants except the few keynote speakers. Aregistration fee will be charged. Inexpensive accommodation is available at the Lingnan University student hostels for June 20 to July 5.

For the videoed sessions of SSFS5 in Hong Kong in 2018, please visit

Samir Amin’s legacy

Global U haspublished interviews of Samir’s friends remembering him:

The film “Samir Amin: the Organic Intellectual”, produced by GRILA in collaboration with FTM, CODESRIA and Global U (in English and French):

On Dec 7-8, 2018, a 2-day forum entitled “The historical contexts of globalization and lessons of the Third World – Revisiting the intellectual legacy of Samir Amin”, was held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. (in Putonghua) On Dec 20, 2018, “Special Programme in Memory of Prof. Samir Amin”, with speakers ThandikaMkandawire, IbrahimaThioub, Lau Kin Chi, Hassan Remaoun, and others, was held at the 15th General Assembly of CODESRIA in Dakar, Senegal. (in French and English)  The edited videos are available on the Homage to Samir Amin page on Global U website. There are more conferences/interviews to commemorate Samir Amin’s life:

Samir’s lecture at Tsinghua University on 7 May 2018, entitled “Marx and Living Marxism are More Relevant Today than Ever”:

Read also:
The New Imperialist Structure

The full version with 10 minutes of Introduction by Wang Hui in Putonghua, 1 hour 16 minutes of lecture by Samir Amin in English, and 23 minutes of interpreting into Putonghua by Lau Kin Chi, is available at

Samir Amin and Wen Tiejun: A Dialogue on Brexit and Financial Crisis 20160712:

20180506 Interview with Samir Amin: Crisis of Senile Capitalism (with English subtitles):

20151012 Life and Thought – Samir Amin (with English subtitles):

Global U website:

With very warm regards,
Lau Kin Chi
On behalf of the Executive Team at

Photos: Dai Jinhua, at Peking University, Beijing. 2 April 2019.