China to stay the pillar of peace and development

By Zivadin Jovanovic *

In the eve of the 19th CPC Congress

As the staunch friends of China THE Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and the Silk Road Connectivity Research Center, two independent think tank association in Serbia, are convinced that the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China and its new leadership will further strengthen the irreplaceable role of CPC in enhancing overall socio-economic and cultural development of China, satisfying people’s yearning for better life and completing the building of moderately prosperous society by the time CPC celebrates centenary in 2021.

The Communist Party of China under the outstanding leadership of its Secretary General Xi Jinping has been the source and guarantor of solidarity and motivation of the people of China in their efforts to build modern and prosperous society based upon socialism of Chinese characteristics. Thanks to these efforts in the period from 2013 to 2016 China has achieved unprecedented GDP growth of an average of 7, 2% per year. This way China has become driving force of the world economic recovery contributing more than 30% to the global economic growth, more than US, Euro Zone and Japan together.

Being the second strongest economy in the world, leading founding member of BRICS, G-20, New Development Bank, founder of China-UN Peace and Development Fund, China South-South Cooperation Fund on Climate Change, South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund and Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank – China has contributed, not only to the alleviation of global economic and social gaps, but at the same time, to emergence of the new, inclusive governance and establishment of the New Just World Economic Order.

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In the contemporary world China has become symbol of win win international cooperation based on the principles of openness and mutual benefits.

President Xi Jinping’s 2013 One Belt One Road global, multidimensional Initiative introduced new pattern of the global economic development and international integration based the principles of openness, equality, inclusiveness and mutual benefit. Uniqueness of the OBOR Initiative comes from the vision that connectivity in infrastructure and economy, in order to be sustainable, must be paired with people to people exchange and friendship. Also, that economic development is paired with peace efforts.

Great support to the Initiative from almost all quarters of the world, direct participation of about 60 countries, outstanding achievements in modernization of infrastructure, environment friendly industries and energy, in unimpeded trade and people to people exchange, confirm the far-reaching viability of the Initiative and call for vigor and persistence in the future activities.

China with her great, deep-routed culture, millenniums wisdom, great achievements in overall modern socio-economic development is today one of the strongest pillars world peace, development and progress. Being UN Security Council permanent member, founder of new economic, financial and other international institutions, China is the engine of building multi-polar world order based on UN Charter, international laws and principles of sovereign equality and noninterference is irreplaceable. Chinese friends all over the world believe that the 19th Congress of CPC will further strengthen the role of China in maintaining peace, strengthening of the multilateralism, the role of UN and principle-based international relations. With Chinese policy of peace and development for all, with her firm stance that all problems should be resolved by dialogue and peaceful means without use, or threat to use force, with her vision of the world without interventionism, domination or exploitation – humanity’s expectations for wellbeing will have iron base.  Chinese policy of openness, multilateralism and inclusive win win cooperation as opposed to any isolationism, domination and exploitation enjoys world wide support and acceptance. It is only natural that in the world of emerging multi-polarism such policy will be verified and further strengthened.

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Serbia and China are traditional friends who trust and support each other. Serbia not only supports the OBOR Initiative, but actively participates in its implementation, particularly within China+16 CEEC. First Chinese bridge in Europe is already three years in operation over Danube River in Belgrade. First Chinese steel factory in Europe is situated in Smederevo, Serbia. First Chinese inland water ports in Europe are in operation in Serbia. First Chinese industrial park, first water purification plant, first no visa system for tourist visitors, first Chinese electric busses, first…The 2016 state visit of the President Xi Jining to Serbia and signing of the Declaration on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership are of historic significance for future strengthening solidarity, friendship and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation.

Let the decisions and Guidelines of the 19th Congress of the Communist Parity of China further enhance and strengthen overall modern socio-economic development of China, bring better life to her people and reinforce the role of China in global development, peace and stability.

* President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
President of the Silk Road Connectivity Center