China: The War Manifesto. By Neocons, Trumpians, Alt-Right neo-totalitarians

America: Responses to Tyranny

by Lawrence Kadish

  • America has handed China hundreds of billions of dollars every year to buy cheap goods, watched American firms ship their jobs and factories to China, and provided the Chinese with the means to create technology that threatens to eclipse our future. In the meantime, the money we sent there is allowing the Chinese to grow their nuclear arsenal and strengthen their military. In return, China has shipped us Covid-19.
  • But the people of the United States are beginning to catch on to the Chinese ploy of using our money to buy their global dominance.
  • We need to suspend imports from Civilization Abusers and all enemies of democracy. We need to become and remain self- sufficient – from technology to medical supplies — so that we are never again dependent on nations that would seek to destroy us.

The United States needs to stop playing the chump.

For generations America has fattened up the very nations that would seek to destroy us.

Prior to Tokyo’s attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans bought Japanese goods, helping pay for the bombs and torpedoes that would sink the American fleet at anchor on December 7th, 1941. Japan’s sneak attack would be paid back with two nuclear strikes on Japanese cities four years later.

Our addiction to Middle East oil helped fund the terrorists who would hijack airliners, turning them into flying missiles on the morning of September 11th. Our nation’s smart use of fracking to access enormous reserves of oil hidden under our own feet finally broke that stranglehold.

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Despite these hard won lessons, over the last twenty years America has handed China hundreds of billions of dollars every year to buy cheap goods, watched American firms ship their jobs and factories to China, and provided the Chinese with the means to create technology that threatens to eclipse our future. In the meantime, the money we sent there is allowing the Chinese to grow their nuclear arsenal and strengthen their military. In return, China has shipped us Covid-19.

But the people of the United States are beginning to catch on to the Chinese ploy of using our money to buy their global dominance. A national poll finds the vast majority of Americans no longer trust Beijing. Seventy percent (70%) think the Chinese kept their Coronavirus data a secret from international healthcare professionals. In addition, 6 of 10 voters, or 59%, agree “As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, America should withdraw its manufacturing presence from China”. One-third of all voters, 31%, “strongly agree” with this statement. Only 10% “strongly disagree

What this means is that Covid-19 has alerted Americans to the threat that faces our nation and our economic recovery. We need to suspend imports from Civilization Abusers and all enemies of democracy. We need to become and remain self- sufficient – from technology to medical supplies — so that we are never again dependent on nations that would seek to destroy us.

It is time to stop playing the chump.

* Lawrence Kadish is a real estate developer, entrepreneur, and founder and president of the Museum of American Armor.

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