China on BRICS’ extension and Ukraine

China says it wants to expand BRICS bloc of emerging economies 

China wants to expand the group of emerging economies known as BRICS, in the first shake up of the bloc in over a decade, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Thursday.
Brazil, Russia, India and China initially formed the bloc in 2009, with South Africa joining in 2010.
“China proposes to start the BRICS expansion process, explore the criteria and procedures for the expansion, and gradually form a consensus,” Wang Yi, China’s state councilor and foreign minister, told an online meeting of BRICS foreign ministers.
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Broad consensus reached in BRICS meeting, offering pro-development stability amid US-led bloc politics

Wang Qi
A day before US President Joe Biden’s Asia trip, a 25-pronged joint statement was finalized at the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting Thursday night Beijing time, which includes consensus on increasing the role of emerging economies in inclusive global governance, support for Russia-Ukraine negotiations, counterterrorism and arms control, as well as the possible BRICS expansion.
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi summarized the BRICS’ common position at the “cordial and pragmatic” meeting into four aspects: including upholding the multilateralism, promoting common development, strengthening solidarity and cooperation. Chinese experts viewed the meeting and consensus it reached as the voice of a wide range of developing countries, offsetting the negative impact of some countries’ efforts to reverse globalization and form political blocs.
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China: Arming Ukraine, Sanctioning Russia Will Not Bring Peace

“Stuffing Ukraine with weapons and sanctioning Russia will not solve the security crisis in Europe,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during a virtual meeting of the foreign ministers of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).
At the meeting the Chinese FM recalled that “China’s position has always been consistent and focused on the need to promote reconciliation and facilitate negotiations”.
In this framework, the senior Chinese diplomat reiterated Beijing’s rejection of the “weaponization” of the world economy and deplored foreign attempts to “add fuel to the fire” in the Ukrainian conflict, as well as efforts to force countries to choose sides.
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