Chile: Secrets of State

On 44th Anniversary of Military Coup, Archive Posts 9/11/1973 Documents
Special Exhibit of Declassified Documents, Curated by The National Security Archive, Opens in Santiago Musuem of Memory and Human Rights

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 603

Washington D.C., September 11, 2017 ( – Forty-four years after the U.S. supported military coup, the Santiago Museum of Memory and Human Rights has inaugurated a special exhibit of declassified CIA, FBI, Defense Department and White house records on the U.S. role in Chile and the Pinochet dictatorship. The unusual exhibit, which officially opened to the public on September 5, is titled Secretos de Estado: La Historia Desclasificada de la Dictadura Chilena—Secrets of State: the Declassified History of the Chilean Dictatorship.

Curated by National Security Archive senior analyst Peter Kornbluh, the exhibit consists of 45 formerly classified documents dated between 1970 when Richard Nixon ordered to the CIA to instigate a coup in Chile, and October 1988 when General Augusto Pinochet sought to orchestrate a second coup after losing a plebiscite to stay in power.

Using creative presentations and lighting, the exhibit examines:

  • the CIA’s covert operations between 1970 and 1973 to undermine the socialist government of Salvador Allende,
  • the secret CIA payments to, and meetings with, Chilean media mogul Agustin Edwards and his newspaper, El Mercurio;
  • intelligence reports on the military repression
  • Operation Condor, the Southern Cone secret police collaboration led by the Pinochet regime to track down and eliminate opponents.
  • Pinochet’s Machiavellian plot to foment violence and a second coup the night he lost the plebiscite in October 1988.

“These documents belong in a museum,” noted Kornbluh who directs the Chile Documentation Project at the National Security Archive and is the author of The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability. “They have generated news headlines; they have been used as evidence in human rights crimes; and now they can provide the powerful verdict of history.”

Read also:
Is Venezuela on the Verge of a Another Coup?

The exhibit, mounted in the museum’s “Galeria de la Memoria,” will run until March, 2018.

Among the documents in the exhibit are several CIA and White House records specific to the September 11, 1973, military coup. On the 44th anniversary of the coup, the Archive posted 25 declassified records dated on, or related to, Chile’s 9/11.



Intelligence report on military plans for a coup on September 11], Secret
Source: CIA
CIA-Secret-[Critical Advance Intelligence on Sept 11 Coup]-September 10, 1973
Possible Request for U.S. Government Aid from Key Officer of Chilean Military Group Planning to Overthrow President Allende, Secret
Source: CIA
CIA-Secret-Possible Request for U.S. Government Aid from Key Officer of Chilean Military Group Planning to Overthrow President Allende-September 11, 1973
The President’s Daily Brief, Top Secret
Source: CIA
CIA – Top Secret – President’s Daily Brief- Chile – September 11, 1973
Military Coup Plotting for Morning of 11 Sep, Secret
Source: State Department
STATE – Secret – Military Coup Plotting for Morning of 11 Sep – September 11, 1973
Military Coup Planning for Morning of 11 Sep Confirmed, Secret, September 11
Source: Defense Intelligence Agency
DIA, Sensitive, Military Coup Planning for Morning of 11 Sep Confirmed, September 11, 1973
Chilean Uprising-Airport Closed, September 11, 1973
Source: State Department
STATE, Sensitive, Chilean Uprising – Airport Closed, September 11, 1973
Sitrep Number One, September 11, 1973
Source: Joint Chiefs of Staff
JCS, Sensitive, SITREP Number One, September 11, 1973
Early Intelligence Report on Coup Progress, Secret
Source: CIA
CIA, Secret, Situation Report Regarding the Moneda and Allende during Coup, September 11, 1973 2
Armed Forces Statement on Closing Radio Stations
Source: Defense Intelligence Agency
DIA, Sensitive, Critical Report regarding Chilean Communication systems during the Coup, September 11, 1973 (2)
Index Card on Augusto Pinochet “who will lead coup”
Source: CIA
CIA, Secret, Augusto Pinochet information document, September 11, 1973 (2)
Post Security, September 11, 1973
Source: State Department
STATE, [Classification Unknown], Post Security, September 11, 1973
Report on Junta Communique
Source: British Embassy
[Agency Unknown], [Classification Unknown], [Junta Communique regarding Coup], September 11, 1973
Situation in Chile as of 11:00 EDT 11 Sep 1973, Report 2, September 11, 1973
Source: CIA
CIA, Sensitive, Situation in Chile as of 1100 EDT 11 Sep 1973, September 11, 1973
Noon Wrapup, Confidential, September 11, 1973
Source: State Department
STATE, Sensitive, Noon Wrapup, September 11, 1973
Sitrep No. 14 – 1430 hours, September 11, 1973
Source: State Department
STATE, [Classification Unknown], SITREP No. 14 – 1430 Hours, September 11, 1973
Situation Reporting, September 11, 1973
Source: State Department
STATE, Sensitive, Situation Reporting, September 11, 1973
Situation Reporting, September 11, 1973
Source: State Department
STATE, Sensitive, Situation Reporting, September 11, 1973
Chilean Military Uprising: SitRep #16 – 1545 HRS, September 11, 1973
Source: State Department
STATE, Sensitive, Chilean Military Uprising- SITREP #16 – 1545 HRS, September 11, 1973
Chilean Military Uprising: SitRep #17 – 1630 Hours, Confidential, September 11, 1973
Source: State Department
STATE, Sensitive, Chilean Military Uprising – SITREP #17 – 1630 HRS, September 11, 1973
6:00 PM Wrapup – Sep 11
Source: State Department
STATE, Secret, Special Summary, September 11, 1973
Special Summary Number Three, Secret,
Source: State Department
STATE, Sensitive, 6 PM Wrap Up – Sep. 11, September 11, 1973
Report on Actions to be Taken by New Junta
Source: CIA
CIA, Secret, [Actions to be taken by the Chilean Military Junta following the coup], September 11, 1973
Looking Forward in Chile, Secret
Source: CIA
CIA, Secret, Looking Forward in Chile, September 11, 1973
Chilean Coup of September 1973; Post-Mortem Report of Production in the Intelligence Community, Secret
Source: CIA
CIA, Secret, Chilean Coup of September 1973 – Post-Mortem Report of Production in the Intelligence Community
Situation Reports From Navy Section, U.S. Military Group
Source: Defense Department
DOD, [Classification Unknown], SITREP #2 – Valparaiso, Chile, October 1, 1973