Call to respect the Dayton Pece Agreement

The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals expresses deep concern over the growing threat to the Republika Srpska (RS) and the Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) by open attacks on the institutions and competences of the RS guaranteed by the Dayton-Paris Agreement (1995).

The Belgrade Forum condemns all attempts of the western power centers aimed at the abolishment of the Republika Srpska and the revision of the 1995 peace agreement and stands for the full respect of the Dayton Paris Agreement, especially for respect of the constitutional principle of equality of the two entities and the three constituent peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Belgrade Forum points out the inadmissibility of the systematic usurpation of the competences of the institutions of BiH and the RS by the illegally imposed so-called High Representative Christijan Schmidt, which leads to the blocking of the constitutional functioning of BiH and the entities and raising political tensions. The Belgrade Forum considers that the High Representative is a remnant of the past neo-colonialist concepts and a serious obstacle to the rule of law and democracy, and that it is high time for its abolition.

Nobody is authorized to disempowered the RS of its constitutional rights or to stop its legitimate demands for the restitution of all the usurped powers provided for by the Dayton Paris Agreement and the Constitution, including the right to develop special parallel relations with neighboring Republic of Serbia.

Current processes and attacks on the President of the RS, Milorad Dodik, are unfounded and politically motivated. They confirm the plans of the Western power centers aimed at abolishing of the RS, disregarding of the Dayton-Paris Agreement and the creation of a unitary BiH under the domination of the Bosniak elite in Sarajevo. On the other hand, the same power centers continue to violate the UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) in order to legitimize unilateral separation of the so-called Kosovo thus imposing yet another Albanian state on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Both – endeavors to create unitary BiH and greater Albania – have common denominator anti-Serbian geopolitical projects aimed at establishing full control over the Balkan Peninsula expanding NATO and the West, in general, to the East.

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The creation of a unitary BiH and its inclusion in NATO is contrary to the determination of the Serbian people to freely decide on their development and future, respecting the same rights of other Balkan nations. Ongoing pressures and threats against the institutions and acquired rights of the Republika Srpska represent a danger for the freedom and equality of the Serbian people in the Balkans and require unanimous support to the full respect and implementation of the international law, particularly the Dayton Paris Peace Agreement and UN SC resolution 1244.

The Belgrade Forum emphasizes the importance of the Declaration of the All-Serbian Congress held on June 8, 2024 and calls on all patriotic forces for unity, national solidarity and decisive support to the Republika Srpska and its legitimate leadership, in defense of all rights guaranteed by the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution.

Belgrade, 15.10.2024
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals

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