Build peace and justice now!

World Social Assembly of Struggles and Resistance of the WSF.
18 February 2024 at World Social Forum in Kathmandu, Nepal

Nobody can doubt any longer that the multiple crises have deepened worldwide. Superpowers and market-oriented international institutions including the European Union, Russia, and the United States of America, NATO, the World Economic Forum and others have driven the world into a spiral of increasing competition, hate speech and sea of bloody wars, ethnic cleansing and genocide of Pal-estine, the threat of a nuclear war, economic and ecological disasters, and neocolonial injustices sup-ported by increasingly authoritarian governments.

The majority of the world population are in various ways suffering the consequences of these disas-trous policies. The cost of living crisis affects the majority of both rural and urban people across the world. Social and democratic rights are under attack. Violence against women and other vulnerable groups in society is increasing. Inequality is rising to unprecedented levels. Food scarcity and famine increases and societies are torned to pieces. Democracy is at risk of becomjng an empty shell influ-enced due to lobbying in the interest of rich people and corporations more than people in common and repression of human rights, including the freedom of expression. Global warming, the loss of biological diversity, lack of water and other environmental destructive processes affect us all.

We, commit ourselves to work together in order to counteract by peaceful means the imperial and neocolonial ambitions of super powers, the global corporates and authoritarian governments.

Peace is not only the absence of wars between nations, but also absence and repression of universally guaranteed Human Rights, including the freedom of speech, human dignity, indigenous peoples’ rights, freedom from racism and casteism, the right to have your ethnic, sexual or other identity ac-cepted, and the right of all, including future generations, to a healthy environment. These conse-quences, of course, emanate from imperialism, capitalism and extractivism and, hence, we firmly denounce and oppose them.

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The deepening tensions between states and power blocs propels a militarization of politics in nearly all fields. Independent voices and civil society have their space limited or are openly repressed in all parts of the world. At the same time we witness the rise of right wing extremism, xenophobia and racism in all parts of the world. What we need instead is peaceful coexistence, disarmament and constructive solutions for social and ecological concerns locally, nationally and between nations.

In order to change the direction of social and political development we call for a worldwide mobili-zation of the civil society on all continents and all fields of action. We need a coherent simultaneous struggle for urban and land reform, for right to the city, food sovereignty, and agroecology. Housing, energy, water, healthy food, education and health care should be provided for all. We need both re-sistance and the building of alternatives to bring about peace and justice. We need this in every rural community, municipality and city of the world. For this it is necessary to produce not only a unity on the conceptual level, but also a convergence of as many social and ecological movements as possible, around action in which clear priorities for our struggles in the near future are defined.

We encourage all interested to propose actions towards peace and justice that are concrete, action-oriented and open to all social and ecological movements of the world.

Proposals of actions to advance in the process of building the Assembly.

  • Stop genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, and ceasefire now.
  • Stop all the wars in the world now.
  • Call for Peace in Haiti, saluting the resistance of the people and denouncing the plans of the imperialist countries to fabricate and reproduce chaos.
  • Disarmament for social and climate justice!
  • Global Day of Action on Military Expenditure (GDAMS) in April/May
  • Protests during the NATO 75-year Summit in the US in July and call for an action day on Peace and Climate justice in the autumn of 2024.
  • Worldwide campaign from Porto Alegre against the rise of right-wing extremism and fascism with the support of both social movements and political parties.
  • Campaigning for economic equality in front of FMI and the World Bank, “Saying 80 years is enough.”
  • Support the calls made at WSF in Nepal on climate justice and especially the emphasis on social rights, rural, water and glacier melting issues.
  • Support strengthening of solidarity against repression everywhere and the shrinking of civil space including specific cases as the death in prison of Alexei Navalny, the ill treatment and imprisonment of Julian Assange, and protests the renewed imprisonment of social forum ac-tivist and war resister Boris Kagarlitsky.
  • Promoting 8M in the whole world in solidarity with the Women of Palestine.
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If you wish to be part of the Social Assembly of Struggles and Resistance of the World Social Fo-rum and be part of this process for global action, please write to this email:

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