Brazil: The Far Right was able to capitalize on social dissatisfaction. Brutal repression and civil war will follow if they win the second round. All Latin America in grave danger.

Brazil’s right-wing Bolsonaro narrowly misses first round win in presidential election

7 Oct, 2018
Brazilian right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro will head to the second round of the country’s election, facing leftist candidate Fernando Haddad on October 28, after narrowly failing to secure fifty percent of first round votes.
At the conclusion of Sunday’s election, Bolsonaro had gained 46.7 percent of the vote, with over 49 million Brazilians casting their ballots in his favor. The congressman now heads toward a second-round runoff against Haddad, the former Mayor of São Paulo, who gained 28.37 percent of the popular support, with over 30 million votes.
The 63-year-old conservative candidate, who had advocated a brutal crackdown on crime and graft ahead of the election, came ahead of his Workers Party rival, whose former leader President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva was barred from running due to his 12-year jail sentence on corruption charges.

MST Open Letter on Brazil Election

October 08, 2018
Comrades and Friends of MST around the World,
We would like to share some of our views on this delicate moment of Brazilian politics in the last week of the election campaign:
1. This election is very special because it can mean the victory or defeat of the coup against democracy started in 2014, which continued with the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, extended into the illegitimate government of Michel Temer. For us, the coup is not just the moment of impeachment. The coup is the project that the elites and the financial capital did not have the strength to conquer in the elections and that needed to use the force and the illegality of other apparatuses like the media and the judiciary to execute. Thus, the coup is also the reforms of withdrawal of rights, the promotion of unemployment and, mainly, the political imprisonment of president Lula, without evidence and at a fast pace, to prevent that the favorite candidate of the population disputed the elections.

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Brazil Economic & Institutional Crisis Created Desperation For New Leader

A right-wing candidate, Jair Bolsonaro, has won the first round of Brazil’s presidential election but has fallen short of getting the majority and will have to face left-wing Workers’ Party candidate Fernando Haddad in the second round, which will take place on 28 October. With 99% of the votes counted, Mr. Bolsonaro has 46% and Mr. Haddad 29%.
Sputnik discussed the potential outcome of the vote in Brazil with Dr. Kai Michael Kenkel, a Professor at the Institute of International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil’s Haddad and Bolsonaro to go head to head in second round

BRAZIL’S presidential election will go to a run-off between far-right Jair Bolsonaro and Workers Party candidate Fernando Haddad on October 28.
Mr Bolsonaro came first in the first round yesterday, with 46 per cent of the vote — just four points short of the majority he needed to impose his draconian vision on Brazil.
An open supporter of the cold war-era dictatorship that arrested and tortured then guerilla Dilma Rousseff — the Workers Party former president ousted in a constitutional coup in 2016 — Mr Bolsonaro has vowed to accelerate the unelected Michel Temer regime’s programme of spending cuts and privatisation.