Brazil is bracing for a right-wing insurrection far worse than the 2021 US Capitol attack

by Brasil de Fato
July 08, 2022

The president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), Minister Edson Fachin, declared that during this year’s presidential election, Brazil may have a more serious attack than the January 6, 2021, invasion of the Capitol in the United States.

“We may have an even more aggressive episode than January 6 from here on Capitol Hill. We understand that there are six fundamental conditions to prevent this from happening in Brazil,” said Fachin, during a discussion at the Wilson Center in Washington DC on Wednesday, July 6.

“If there is a dissolution of one of the branches of government, the danger could go to the other side of the street,” he said. “Brazilian society, on October 2, will hold up a mirror to itself. Whether it longs for the war of everyone against everyone, or it longs for democracy and, from there, make its choices in a free and conscious way.”

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Polls show Lula could win elections if the first round was held today

Jul 7, 2022

Two new polls released in the morning of this Wednesday (6) show a stable scenario in Brazil’s presidential election race, with former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers’ Party) leading the polls, followed by current President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party).

According to PoderData, Lula has 44% of voter support, and Bolsonaro has 36%. They are followed by Ciro Gomes (Democratic Labor Party), with 5%, and candidates André Janones (Avante) and Simone Tebet (Brazilian Democratic Movement), both with 3%. Luiz Felipe d’Avila (New Party), Pablo Marçal (Republican Party of Social Order), Luciano Bivar (Union Brazil), Leonardo Péricles (Popular Unity), Eymael (Christian Democracy), Sofia Manzano (Brazilian Communist Party), and Vera Lúcia (United Socialist Workers’ Party) did not reach 1% of voter support. White and null votes – which are, respectively, to cast none of the candidates by pressing a white button or typing a random number – accounted for 5% of respondents. Those who did not know what to answer were 4%.

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