Brazil: Call to actions of solidarity with Venezuela and against foreign interference in the whole continent

We are following the level of violence adopted by rightist forces that have already caused the death of several people. The audacity of attacking a headquarter was seen while they tried to cause more victims in the hands of civilians trained in Miami and Colombia, by rightist forces.

Maduro’s governments and the Venezuelan progressive forces searched in the Constituent Assembly a way to redact the social agreements of the country, which showed a wide support of the Venezuelan people with the participation of over 8 million voters in the polls of July 30.

The right wing deputies publicly said that their tactic is to produce more violence, more chaos with a wide coverture of the international media, to provoke a foreign intervention in the country. This tactic was also made explicit by former Spanish leader Felipe González.

The Trump administration, without any morality or legitimacy, is trying to influence the paths of Venezuela, by decreeing sanctions to eleven persons of Maduro’s government, including the president and several ministers, prohibiting their entrance to the USA and blocking certain personal goods, if they have any in US territory.

The putschist government of Brazil hurried to call a Mercosur meeting to suspend Venezuela’s rights. An illegitimate government and with a support of only 3% of the Brazilian people, is daring to sanction the Venezuelan government due to “deficit of democracy”.

Before all this, and with the consultations between diverse movements of Brazil and Latin America, we claim:

  • EVERY POPULAR MOVEMENTS OF BRAZIL, LATIN AMERICA AND OF THE WORLD WILL MANIFEST an unimpeded solidarity to the Venezuelan people, its government and the process of the Constituent Assembly, as a sovereign and legitimate of the Venezuelan people to define the course of their country
  • ORGANIZING “COMMITTEES FOR PEACE IN VENEZUELA”: at a national level, in Brazil, we have already started the foundation process. We suggest committees to be organized in the Brazilian states and municipalities accordingly to the participating organizations of the Brazilian Popular Front, which has also positioned itself on the matter. Also, we will stimulate the organization of committees in other countries.
  • ORGANIZING PUBLIC MANIFESTATION AGAINST THE INTROMISSION OF THE US GOVERNMENT IN OTHER COUNTRY’S MATTERS: As Julian Assange denounced, Trump’s government wants to create a new Iraq in South America, we can not silence before it.
  • USING THE MOST DIVERSE FORMS OF MANIFESTATION: making this message reach the government and people of the US, through street actions, political and cultural acts, and also communicative stunts in all the possible means.
  • WE PROPOSE AUGUST 22 AS THE “INTERNATIONAL DAY IN SOLIDARITY WITH VENEZUELA”: In which we will realize simultaneous actions on several cities of the world, addressing to embassies, chancelleries and American companies to deliver our letter and to manifest our indignation with the actions against the Venezuelan government and people.
  • PUBLIC LETTER FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUBSCRIPTIONS: You can see attached down below the letter directed to the Government, Parliamentarians and American Organizations. We count with the support of everyone to:
    1. To widely divulge on print media and on the web / Social Networks
    2. To sign and gather new adhesions of: Popular Movements, Political Organizations, Parliamentarians, intellectuals, artists.
    3. To send full names, organization / profession and country of the subscribed until August 20, 2017 to the email:
Read also:
La Protesta Social en la Argentina (1990-2004)

We count with the contribution of everybody in this work that will demand hard work and generosity to enlarge at its peak the process of unitary construction centralized in the defense of the Bolivarian Revolution, of the Government of Nicolás Maduro of the new National Constituent Assembly installed on the country.

We Send Our Most Fraternal and Bolivarian Salutes!

Joao Pedro Stédile
In the name of the Operative Secretariat of ALBA’s Popular Movements – Brazil

Jaime Amorim
MST – Vía Campesina International

Paola Estrada
In the name of the International People’s Assembly Secretariat