Brazil – the Netanyahu connection

Brazil’s new leader Lula ousts Israel envoy appointed by predecessor Bolsonaro

Jan 11, 2023
Brazil’s Ambassador to Israel General Gerson Menandro Garcia de Freitas was booted from his post on Tuesday in one of the first moves by the Latin American country’s newly minted president Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva since taking office.
Menandro was appointed by Lula’s right-wing predecessor Jair Bolsonaro as a political appointee in early 2021, now his removal might indicate a shift in policy toward Israel.
During Bolsonaro’s term, Brazil bucked its traditional voting patterns and supported Israel in international institutions, contrary to the traditional position of the country’s foreign ministry.
New Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira stated upon the establishment of the new government that under Lula’s left-wing government, which took office at the beginning of the month, Brazil “will cooperate with Arab countries, primarily Palestine.” In addition, Brazil also removed its ambassador in Washington.
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Bolsonaro’s Wife Wears Israeli Flag While Casting Vote

Oct. 30, 2022
razil’s First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro showed up at the polling station to vote in the country’s presidential elections wearing a T-shirt depicting an Israeli flag, Israeli media reported.
Her husband, current Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, is facing left-wing former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
The Times of Israel reported that “Bolsonaro, who enjoys the support of the country’s millions of evangelical Christians, pledged to move Brazil’s embassy to Jerusalem, but in the end opened a trade and investment office in the capital.”
“At a time when Brazilians vote in one of their most consequential elections in recent history, Bolsonaro shows that his priorities do not lie in the interests of the Brazilian people but in a foreign power,” Palestinian journalist and editor of The Palestine Chronicle Ramzy Baroud said.
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Brazil’s Bolsonaro To Netanyahu: ‘I Love Israel’

Mar. 31, 2019
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro landed in the Ben Gurion Airport on Sunday reciting the Hebrew phrase “Ani ohev et Israel”—‘I love Israel’ in English. Prime Minister Netanyahu welcomed the Brazilian leader to his first official visit to Israel.
During his four day visit to the country, Bolsonaro will also meet with President Reuven Rivlin and visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial. He is also set to visit the Home Front Command, the Israeli rescue mission that helped with rescue efforts in Brazil after the collapse of the Brumadinho Dam in January that left at least 206 people dead.
Bolsonaro will meet with representatives of the Brazilian community in Israel and the two are expected to discuss bilateral agreements.
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With Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Israel Finds Another Natural Partner on the Far Right

Nov 6, 2018
The victory of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil’s presidential election last week has won Israel a passionate new friend on the international stage. The world’s fifth-most populous nation will now be “colored in blue and white”, an Israeli official said, referring to the colors of Israel’s flag.
The Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately called to congratulate Bolsonaro, a former army officer with a pronounced nostalgia for his country’s 20-year military dictatorship. Critics describe him as a neo-fascist.
According to Israeli media reports, it is “highly probable” that Netanyahu will attend Bolsonaro’s inauguration on January 1.
The Brazilian president-elect has already promised that his country will be the third to relocate its embassy to Jerusalem, after the United States and Guatemala. That will further undermine Palestinian hopes for an eventual state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
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Israel’s Latin American trail of terror

Castao, who leads the Colombian paramilitaries, known by their Spanish acronym AUC, the largest right-wing paramilitary force to ever exist in the western hemisphere reveals that he was trained in the arts of war in Israel as a young man of 18 in the 1980s.
He glowingly adds:  “I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the Israelis,” in his chapter-long account of his Israel experiences.
Castao’s right-wing Phalange-like AUC force is now by far the worst human rights violator in all of the Americas, and ties between that organisation and Israel are continually surfacing in the press.
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