Bolivian Natural Resources Could Be Root of Failed Coup – President

Jul 4, 2024

In an exclusive interview to Sputnik, Bolivian President Luis Arce elaborated on the potential cause of last week’s abortive coup d’état in the country.

A week after the failed coup attempt, Bolivian president spoke with a Sputnik correspondent at his official residence in La Paz and stressed that nation’s natural resources were likely the reason of the attempt.

He reflected on the events of recent days in the country and called on public organizations to remain “vigilant” to possible new attempts to overthrow the government.

Arce said the forces behind those destabilizing acts are those interested in plundering Bolivia’s natural resources.

“We should be vigilant, that is the lesson we should draw,” he told Sputnik Mundo.

Last week, the Bolivian military, led by General Juan José Zuñiga, gathered in the central square of Bolivia’s administrative capital La Paz and tried to break into the presidential palace. President Arce, who was in the palace at the time, made an address to the nation calling the attack an attempted coup. He appointed a new army command, which called on the troops to leave the square. The soldiers complied with the order. Zuñiga was arrested later in the day.

As a result of clashes between Zuñiga’s troops and residents of La Paz in the central square, 14 people were injured. Following the events, police detained 21 people involved in the coup attempt.

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