Blowing up the Middle East? Pompeo, Trump and Netanyahu

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Nov. 29, 2020

There are not many people in the world who doubt that Israeli secret services are responsible for the assassination of the prominent Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the “father” of the Iranian nuclear program. Without openly admitting it, the Israelis did nothing to amuse such impressions, instead they “anonymously” admitted their responsibility to the New York Times.

The assassination of the Iranian scientist is, certainly, a blow to the Iranian nuclear program. But of course Tehran will find another scientist to replace him and will continue the program. It is therefore more likely that Israel, that is, Mr. Netanyahu, is trying to provoke a war with Iran by assassinating the Iranian scientist, before Netanyahu’s great protector, Donald Trump, leaves the White House. And this is the most minimalist explanation as nobody can be certain of what Netanyahu, Bannon, Pompeo, Kouchner, Trump and company are preparing not only in the Middle East, but also in the US and worldwide. (Netanyahu has also a very strong personal motivation to wish an “escape to war”, because he behaved for four years as if he had America in his pocket and probably he had it through Trump. Now, strong forces in America, but also in global Judaism, would certainly like to crush him and they wait to do so after Trump leaves. Netanyahu faces also serious corruption charges).

The version of a provocation was also adopted, indirectly still clearly, by the head of the CIA under Obama, Brennan, who proceeded with a completely unprecedented comment on the assassination, absolutely characteristic of the extremely acute atmosphere of “civil war”, waged in the “Olympus” of the western Empire. Mr. Brennan wrote in a tweet that he did not know if any state supported this murder, but, if this has happened, we are dealing with “state-backed terrorism”. He separated the assassination of the Iranian scientist from the assassinations of Al Qaeda and ISIS executives and expressed the hope that Tehran would prove wise enough to wait for “responsible leaders” to come to power in Washington before responding! The only thing the former CIA chief did not do was to ask for the arrest of Netanyahu for terrorism and of Trump for fostering a criminal.

Read also:
Israel court issues demolition order for mosque

The trip to Saudi Arabia and Tehran’s calculations

Some days before the assassination, Pompeo, the Israeli PM and the chief of Mossad traveled to Saudi Arabia to enlist it in the war effort against Iran, but without success according to Middle East Eye. Haaretz wrote that Saudi Arabia has also canceled, after Biden’s election, the recognition of Israel which it had promised before US elections. Besides, some observers think Bin Salman was probably “warned” to avoid any “adventurism” via drone attacks and the mining of a tanker.

As for the Iranians estimated, already before the assassination, that Netanyahu was probably preparing an attack against their nuclear installations in order to sabotage Biden’s agreement with Tehran. If the Israelis would attack and the Iranians would respond, then Trump would feel free to hit Iran, citing the need to defend Israel.

Of course the problem with such strategies is that everybody knows what Netanyahu wants, so they are less disposed to do what he wants, or waits from them to do.