Biden’s administration pushes world towards nuclear catastrophe

MOSCOW, October 4. /TASS/. The administration of US President Joe Biden is pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said in an interview with the Big Game TV show on Russia’s Channel One.

“I’ve told the Americans, I’ve told my colleagues in the White House and the US Department of State that you are pushing [the world] towards a nuclear catastrophe,” the diplomat said.

“I mean the Ukrainian crisis and the current US policies in the Middle East. They are supporting one party to the conflict, and this is absolutely not conductive to peace,” he added.

Antonov also said he had tried to explain the essence of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposed amendments to the Russian nuclear doctrine to officials in the White House and the Department of State.

“This matter is of particular importance for me, because, in essence, the Americans are waging the war against us, but with the hands of Ukrainians,” the ambassador said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the forthcoming adjustments to the nuclear doctrine on September 25 at a permanent meeting of the Security Council. Among the proposed amendments are the interpretation as an attack any nuclear power’s support for a non-nuclear country that is at war with Russia and guarantees of a nuclear response to an attack on Russia’s ally Belarus. The list of countries and military alliances and military threats to which nuclear deterrence applies is to be expanded.

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