Audit of the Angra 3 Nuclear Power Plant Project

The current Brazilian administration and the one that is to come in 2019 are willing
to reengage into Angra 3 construction, the third Brazilian nuclear power plant, twice
interrupted – in 1983 and 2016. Only they want to do it using the same obsolete
project from the 1970s. To avoid this absurdity, civil society organizations have
made a petition for a project audit (see below). Sign the petition so you can support
Brazilian struggle against catastrophes like Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Furthermore, spread it to your friends, coworkers and citizens this act of solidarity.

No country in the world would build a nuclear power plant like the outdated one depicted in Angra 3 project. We are at risk of a new catastrophe!

For us who signed this petition, the main problem of Angra 3 is safety if this power plant is going to be built with the outdated project from the 1970s.

In 1979, Three Mile Island (USA) accident has proved that it is not impossible – like it is used to believe – a nuclear accident caused by nuclear reactor melting. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) set down new rules. In 1986 and 2011 we saw accidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima in power plants which didn’t have been updated according to these new rules, and explosions provoked social and environmental catastrophes!

An independent international audit is urgent! Federal Public Ministry can determine
it as a protection to society interest!

For Angra neighborhood – from Rio and São Paulo –, the new Mines and Energy minister has to support this audit!

We can’t accept catastrophes like Chernobyl and Fukushima in Brazil, with thousands of people evacuated to 30 kilometers of their cities – which will be contaminated for the next 300 years.

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A Southern Vanguard

The radioactive cloud after Chernobyl has covered all Europe. Hundreds of thousands
people died with the radioactivity dissemination! After Fukushima accident, Germany has stopped its nuclear program and will deactivate all its nuclear power plants until 2022.

Exelon, United States’ biggest nuclear power plant owner, won’t build no more power
plants because the new safety requirements have made them economically impracticable.

French National Nuclear Safety Agency – country in which 75% of all energy is product of nuclear plants – warned: accidents derived from reactor melting are always possible, be it by human failure or by natural disasters. France government has just decided to shut down 14 of its 58 nuclear power plants.

Every old nuclear power plant can explode at any moment!

Let’s stop this threat!

Demand the audit by signing this petition! And ask many others to do so before it’s too late!

Note: Two anti-nuclear French friends correct our info on these 14 plants to be closed in their country: the closure will be only of the reactors, and over the course of 17 years, which is a long period. And new reactors will replace them. For them the information is nothing exciting…

Note 2:  In 2018, the signing of an agreement between Eletronuclear (Brazilian public compagny for nuclear energy) and EDF was revealed, agreement planning the possibility of resuming the construction of the Angra 3 nuclear power plant. This would be astonishingly unwise on the part of EDF if this construction was relaunched without reviewing the project. But the information about is vague. That is why an assesment is needed: to check if an update of the project has been made, and if it includes all the necessary changes to avoid accidents with explosions and spread of radioactivity, as in the cases of Chernobyl and Fukushima.

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