As U.S. Leaves Afghanistan, How Biden’s 7-Month Approval Rating Stacks Up Against Trump’s

By Jenni Fink
Aug.30, 2021

Despite the significant backlash over problems with the withdrawal of Americans from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden‘s approval rating is still higher than former President Donald Trump‘s was at this same point in his presidency.

The Taliban‘s takeover of Afghanistan, the scramble to evacuate Americans and their allies from the country and a terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 13 service members prompted fierce criticism of the president. Biden remained resolute in his decision-making with regard to Afghanistan, but amid calls for his resignation or impeachment, his approval rating dipped below the 50 percent mark for the first time since he took office.

As of Monday, the day before Biden’s deadline to complete America’s withdrawal, the president’s approval rating sat at 47.3 percent, according to an average compiled by FiveThirtyEight. At this same point in 2017, 223 days into Trump’s presidency, the former president’s approval rating was about 10 points lower, at 37.2 percent.

While Biden’s approval rating is higher than his predecessor’s, he’s seen a decline in support over the past month. In July, his approval rating was at 52.7 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight, which attributed the five-point decline to the rising number of COVID-19 cases, as well as, the Afghanistan fallout.

Biden receives failing marks on his handling of the end of a 20-year war, a conclusion he supports but says he was tied to because of his predecessor. While still in office, Trump reached an agreement with the Taliban that American forces would leave the country in May. Biden renegotiated the agreement to include an extension to August 31 and said breaking that agreement would put servicemembers in harm’s way.

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In the particular case of Afghanistan, it is very difficult to verify the information coming from or regarding this country. We are also certain that much of it is being used for various information/propaganda wars.