As Trump plays golf, family reportedly divided over conceding election defeat

Whereas First Lady Melania and son-in-law Jared Kushner said to be in favor of accepting loss, sons Don Jr. and Eric are rallying support to challenge results

8 November 2020

While some members of US President Donald Trump’s family are said to be trying to convince him to accept that he lost the election to his Democrat rival, others are reportedly pushing him to continue his strategy of dismissing the results as fraudulent.

Trump has been spending time at his golf course in Sterling, Virginia, and sources said that while he privately has not denied the election loss, he is urging attorneys to raise legal challenges as a way of delaying the formal authorization of the results, CNN reported.

After nearly four tortured days of counting yielded a victory for President-elect Joe Biden, Trump was still insisting Sunday that the race was not over. He has thrown out baseless allegations that the election was not fair and “illegal” votes were counted, promised a flurry of legal action, and fired off all-caps tweets falsely insisting he had “WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT.”

First Lady Melania Trump has advised her husband to accept the election defeat, CNN reported, even as she publicly backed the president’s claims, tweeting: “The American people deserve fair elections. Every legal — not illegal — vote should be counted. We must protect our democracy with complete transparency.”

Trump senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner has told others that he is among those who have urged the president to accept the outcome of the race — even if Trump will not come to terms with how it was reached.

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