An Urgent Appeal to the World Public Opinion: Stop the war before it is too late!

The war in Ukraine is continuing, unabated for four months now, causing vast destruction of life and property of the people of Ukraine and enormous damage to the global economy affecting the lives of millions of people the world over due to rising prices and energy crisis, and above all steadily increasing global tensions pushing humanity to the brink of a nuclear war. 

The Russian military intervention in Ukraine was an evident response to the measures taken by the Kyiv regime and its armed far-right militias against Russians, Russian speaking population and other citizens of Ukraine, to the non-implementation of the Minsk agreements and to the continuous aggressive expansion of the NATO alliance inside the former USSR. 

But even if we dismiss altogether the Russian arguments and if we accept fully the US and NATO’s arguments regarding the Ukrainian crisis, the Western response to the Russian intervention by arming Ukraine massively and by imposing unprecedented sanctions against Russia, is totally disproportionate. This policy, while not helping the peoples of Ukraine, is comporting very high risk of nuclear, ecological and socio-economic global disasters. 

The prolongation of the Ukrainian conflict is increasing the risk of a nuclear world war by accident, by miscalculation or by provocation and the subsequent annihilation of humanity. 

It is clearly impossible to tackle the burning challenges of our time such as climate change, hunger, and other existential threats to humanity in an atmosphere of international hostility. All the gains achieved since the end of the Second World War seem to be at stake today and the level of cooperation among nations and peoples has reached a stunning low at this moment. The continuation of this conflict gets us closer to the point of a collapse of human civilisation as the recent UN report warned us about (GAR2022: Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction). 

The sanctions and counter-sanctions have already had devastating social and economic effects on the majority of the countries of the world. 

By now it is clear that all those measures cannot help Ukraine to win a war impossible to win from its very beginning. They are contributing to the killing and migration of the Ukrainian youth and to the destruction of its country. 

This is why we consider of utmost urgency to call for immediate ceasefire and start of negotiations accompanied by the lifting of sanctions and a halt to the arming of Ukraine. 

We call on the world’s public opinion, all social movements, intellectuals, trade unions, religious communities and governments to act firmly in this direction and to coordinate their efforts. 

There is no more important task for humanity now than to stop our descent into open world war and the collapse of Civilisation! 

For Bandung Spirit Collective and Delphi Initiative for the Defence of Democracy and Defend Democracy Press | Defending Democracy in Greece and Europe

Working group:

Isaac Bazié, Burkina Faso/Canada (Professor, Comparative Literature, African Studies, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)

Beatriz Bissio, Brazil/Uruguay (Professor, History, Political Sciences, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Bruno Drweski, France/Poland (Professor, Geopolitics, Central and Eastern European Studies, INALCO National Institute of Languages and Civilisations, France)

Darwis Khudori, Indonesia/France (Professor, History, Oriental/Asian Studies, Université Le Havre Normandie, France)

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, Greece (Journalist and writer, Defend Democracy Press, Athens, Greece)

Manoranjan Mohanty, India (Former Professor, Political Sciences, Chinese Studies, University of Delhi, India)

Yin Zhiguang, China/UK (Professor, Political Sciences, International Relations, Fudan University, Shanghai, China)

Signed by:

Ibro Abdou, Directeur de ISEP, Institut de Stratégie, d’Evaluation et de Prospective, Niamey, Niger

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Asvi Warman Adam, Professor, BRIN Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia

Shirin Akhter, Associate Professor, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Sayf Alaydrus, Student, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

Annamaria Artner, Habilitated College Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Milton Friedman University and Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of World Economics, Budapest, Hungary

Francis Arzalier, Historian, President Collectif Communiste Polex, Saint-Denis, France

Gavriil Avramidis, Journalist, former MP, Member of the Regional Council of Cetral Macedonia, Greece

Ellen Elizabeth Barfield, Full-time Volunteer Justice and Peace Activist, Veterans For Peace, War Resisters League, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

David Barkin, Profesor Distinguido Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana- Unidad Xochimilco, Ciudad de México, Mexico

Fikret Başkaya, Professor, President of the Free University, Istanbul

Anice Benjelloun, Business Professional, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Matyas Benyik, Social Scientist and Activist, ATTAC Hungary Association, Budapest, Hungary

Georges Beriachvili, Professor, Stanislas High School, Paris, Georgia/France

Jean-Louis Bertrand, France, Informaticien, Editor, Casalabriva, France

Françoise Bloch, Socio-anthropologue CNRS (retired), France

Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau (IPB), Germany

Heriberto Cairo, Professor, former Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Yücel Candemir, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Russell Caplan, UCU Trade Union and Labour Party, London, UK

Suchetana Chattopadhyay, Professor, Department of History, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

Anuradha Chenoy, writer, Professor, former Dean of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, former chairperson and director of the Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, India

Francis Combes, poète et éditeur, France

Clare Daly, Member of the European Parliament, Ireland

James De Burghe, Author, Member, Society for Anglo- China Understanding (SACU), Manifesto Group, Great Britain, China

Radhika Desai, Professor, Department of Political Studies, Director, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, Canada

János Debreceni, Activist, Organisers for Left, Budapest, Hungary

Alfred de Zayas, Professor, former (first) UN rapporteur on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, Switzerland

Ousmane Diakité, Gestionnaire du Sport, Centre d’Appui à la Scolarisation des filles, Caracas, Mali

Bartłomiej Jarosław Doborzyński, Worker, Bookmark, Gdańsk, Poland

Dr. Francisco Dominguez, Academic specialist on Latin America’s contemporary political economy, London, UK/Chile.

Klaus Dräger, former policy advisor of the GUE/NGL on employment & social affairs, Germany

Aziz Fall,  Professor, GRILA, Montreal, Sénégal/Canada

Franklin Frederick, Writer and Environmental Activist, Brazil/Switzerland

Alan Freeman, University of Manitoba, Canada/UK

Leo Gabriel, Journalist and Anthopologist, Member of the International Council of the World Social Forum, Austria

Dr. Gabriel Galice, Président of the Geneva International Peace Research Institute,GIPRI, Switzerland

Maria Gardner, Art Lecturer, UK

Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein, International Relations expert and advisor, fm. Director of International Relations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, former Ambassador to Nicaragua, Caracas, Venezuela

Philippe Gendrault, Independent Health Professional, San Francisco, USA/France

Fengzhan Geng, postdoc Researcher in the University of Kassel, Germany/China

Dimosthenis Georgopoulos, economist, sociologist, statistician, Greece

Manas Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

Raymond McGovern, Journalist, Veterans For Peace, Washington, DC, USA

Harald Grünberg, Activist, Marxistisches Forum Partei Die Linke, Berlin, Germany

Hall Greenland, Writer, Australia

Mamdouh Habashi, Socialist People’s Alliance Party, Politburo member, World Forum for Alternatives, Vice President, Egypt

Asha Hans, Chairperson, Development Research Institute, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Frances Hasso, Professor, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA

Odile Hélier, Anthropologist, la France d’en bas

Victor Hugo, Comisión por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, CDDH, Ecuador

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Magdy Imam, Former Professor, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany/Egypt

Costas Isychos, former alt. Minister of Defense, member of the Network for the Defense of Humanity, Greece

Earl Jackson, Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA/Taiwan

Kostas Kalloniatis, economist, Greece

Karaiskos Kostas , Municipal Councilor, Komotini, Greece

Kwon Keumsang, Suwon Family & Women Center, Suwon, South Korea

Hiiock Kim, Activist, The Alternative Culture, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Soyoung Kim, Professor, Korea National University of Arts, Seoul, South Korea

Peter Koenig, former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), Switzerland

Lefteris Konstantinidis, Doctor, former MP (PASOK), Greece

Sanoop Sajan Koshy, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India

Dmitriy Kovalevitch, Marxist group ‘Borotba’ (Struggle), Ukraine

Tamás Krausz, Professor, Head of the Department of Eastern European Studies, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

Marios Kritikos, member of the General Council of ADEDY, the Trade Union of Greek Public Servants, Greece

Andros Kyprianou, Deputy, former General Secretary of the AKEL Party, Cyprus

Annie Lacroix-Riz, Emeritus Professor, Contempory History,  Université Paris VII-Denis Diderot, France

Dimitri Lascaris, Lawyer, Journalist, Montreal, Canada

Aristidis Lamprou, Worker Greece

Patricia Latour, journaliste, France

Angela Lee, Festival Director, Producer, Film Critic, The Chuncheon SF Film Festival/CCFF, Chuncheon City, South Korea

Mi-Jeong Lee, Lecturer and Artist, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Korea/Canada

Denis Lemercier, Maître de conférences retraité, Université de Caen, France

Lin Chun, Professor, London School of Economics, China/UK

Pierre LeBlanc, Journalist and Activist, Canada

Michèle Leclerc-Olive, honorary researcher CNRS (HDR), member of the laboratoire Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux Sociaux (IRIS), President of CORENS (Collectif Régional pour la Coopération Nord-Sud – Hauts de France) and of CIBELE ((Collectif Régional pour la Coopération Nord-Sud – Ile de France), France

Jeffrey Lever, Visiting Fellow, Law Department, London South Bank University, UK

María Lois, As. Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Marie Lynam, GMB trade union and Labour Party, London, UK

Rasigan Maharajh, Chief Director, Institute for Economic Research on Innovation, Tshwane University of Technology, Tshwane, South Africa

Birgit Mahnkopf, Professor (Retired) on European Politics, Institute of Political Economy (IPE) at Berlin School of Economy and Law, Berlin, Germany

William Mallinson, writer, former British diplomat, Professsor of Political Ideas and Institutions, Universita degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Greece/UK

Spyros Marchetos, historian, School of Political Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Michel Marti, Retired railway worker, CGT trade unionist, Yellow Vest since the beginning, France

Charles McKelvey, Substack Writer, USA/France

Guy Mettan, Journalist & Deputy, Grand Conseil, Geneva, Switzerland

Dragana Mitrovic, Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science, Serbia

Paolo Motta, Architect, Territorial Planner, Private expert & researcher, IASQ International Association Social Quality, Amsterdam, Italy/Spain

Maria Negreponti-Delivanis, Docteur d’Etat ès Sciences Economiques (Sorbonne), three times elected Dean of the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki

Francisco Nemenzo, Professor Emeritus and former President, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Gerardo Otero, Professor, School for International Studies, Simon Fraser University, USA

Seema Mehra Parihar, India (Professor, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi) Gerardo Otero, Professor, School for International Studies, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Mausoléo Pascal, Nurse (retired) France

John Philpot, senior criminal litigation attorney, specialized in international criminal law, Canada.

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Professor, Bethlehem University, Palestine

Jean-Luc Rallo, Maître de Conférence Senior, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France

Kostas Raptis, Linguist, Journalist, Greece

Magda Refaa, Researcher and Activist, University Paris 8, Paris, Egypt/France

Marta Restivo, Front Office, Un’altra storia, Florence, Italy

Lee Rhiannon, former Senator, Australia

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Pamela Richard, Office Manager, Peace Action WI, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

John Riddell, essayist, historian, editor, translator and activist, Canada

Giorgio Riolo, Journalist, Rete delle Alternative, Milan, Italy

Rityusha Mani Tiwary, Assistant Professor, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Danielle Riva, Utopie Critique, France

Florien Rochat, former Director of the Centre d’étude, de recherche et d’information sur les mécanismes à l’origine du maldéveloppement (CETIM), Switzerland

Louis Roussel, Psychoanalyst, San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, USA

C. Saratchand, Professor, Satyawati College, University of Delhi, India

Dr. Ulrich Schneider, Secretary General of the International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR), Germany

Scarpalezos Dimitris, fr. Professor of Mathematics, University Paris VII, member of SYRIZA, France/Greece

Eddy Sebahi, Teacher, UDL, Lyon, France

John Sharkey, Retired Worker, Activist, Member, Bain Apartments Housing Co-operative, Inc., Toronto, UK/Canada

Masaki Sakiyama, Professor, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan

Helena Sheehan, Emeritus Professor, Dublin City University, Ireland

Mahendra Singh, Associate Professor, University of Delhi, India

Marinos Sizopoulos, MP, President of the Socialist Party, Cyprus

Stéphane Soejoso, Retired Manager, France

Yunus Soner, political scientist /journalist, Turkey

Rodolfo Milhomem de Sousa, Lawyer, Researcher, Universidade Autonóma de Lisboa, Ministério da Economia, Brasília, Brazil

Jeffrey Surovell, Writer, Adjunct Associate Professor – CCE, Social Science & Cultural Studies, Pratt Institute, USA

Eka Swadiansa, Architect, Practitioner & Researcher, Office of Strategic Architecture/OSA, Surabaya, Indonesia

Yanuardi Syukur, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, and President of Rumah Produktif Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

Narender Thakur, Associate Professor, University of Delhi, India

Pantelis Tzavellas, Doctor, Greece

Dr. Themis Tzimas, adjunct lecturer, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

Dr. Oscar Ugarteche, SNI III/CONACYT, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM, México DF, Mexico

Nisar Ul-Haq, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India

Dr. Evaggelos Vallianatos, historian and environmental strategist (at the US Environmental Protection Agency for 25 years), Greece/USA

Jean-Paul Vanhoove, Activist, Agenda des Actions Africaines, Courbevoie, France

Bruno Vitale, former research fellow at Cern and at the Princeton Advanced Studies, former Professor of Quantum Mechanics at the University of Naples, Italy/USA

Professor George Vithoulkas, recipient of the Right Livelihood Award (the “alternative Nobel prize”), Director of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (Greece), Honorary Professor of the University of the Aegean (Greece), of the State University of Chuvash Republic (Russia), of the Kyiv Medical University (Ukraine), of the Pontifical Javeriana Medical University (Colombia), of the Kyiv Medical Academy (Ukraine), of the Dnipro Medical Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Ukraine), of the National Educational Centre for Traditional and Complementary Medicine (Russia), of the All-Russia Scientific Research Center for Restorative and Resort Medicine (Russia), senior associate member of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK), Greece

Mick Wallace, Member of the European Parliament, Ireland

Wang Hui, China, Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Marguerite Warner, Canada (Member, Peace Alliance Winnipeg)

John Webster, Labour Party, member, UK

Fernando Ximenes, editor of Delinking Magazine, member of Komite Esperansa, Timor Leste

Tatjiana Zdanoka, Member of the European Parliament, Latvia

Xueping Zhong, Professor, Tufts University, Medford, USA

Siphamaandla Zondi, Director, Institute for Pan-African Thought & Conversation, co-Director, Institute for Global African Affairs, Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Johannesburg, South Africa