Here is an anthology of interesting publications in Turkey on the last agreement between Ankara and the EU. Murat Yetkin is representative of the semi-official point of view and how Ankara sees the wider strategic implications of its agreement on its relations with Europe.
But not everybody is happy with this agreement
Turkish authorities have organized a huge operation for arresting immigrants and smugglers in the Turkish coast. If they want they can. The Turkish state controls de facto the flow of refugees to Greece/Europe and it is using this control for its aims. Where is by the way the North American superpower, its services and diplomacy? Is everything happening without their consent?
By the way Mrs. Nuland, assistant Secretary of State, known for her encouragement to the Maidan revolt and the beginning of the new Cold War in Europe (“fuck the EU…”), ex-spokesman for the State Department under Hillary Clinton, very close to the neoconservatives who organized the terrible chaos in the Middle East, was again seen in Idomeni, Greece. She came to see with her own eyes what is going on and then she met in Athens with Minister Pappas, probably the best friend of Mr. Tsipras, but she did not say much.
The one million question: The refugee crisis, already affecting all Europe, and in particular Greece, is it just a sponanteous result or it was encouraged by broader international forces?