After Greeks and British, now Italians reject neoliberal EU. Not many ideas what to put in its place.

Italian election results: How the world’s press reacted

5 March 2018

Italy’s governing centre-left Democratic Party has seen disappointing losses in the election result, while the populist League and Five Star Movement have had remarkable gains. Here’s how the world’s press reacted to the vote.

Eurosceptic Italy in race to form majority government

Five Star Movement and the League vie to form a coalition, but ultimate decision is held by President Sergio Mattarella

Mon 5 Mar 2018

The two populist parties that won major upsets in the Italian election – the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the League (La Liga) – are in a race to be the first to try to form a majority government after the election produced a hung parliament.
The decision will ultimately fall to Italy’s president, Sergio Mattarella, who could take weeks to determine whether the anti-establishment M5S, which took 32.6% of the vote, or a fragile centre-right alliance led by the League’s bombastic Matteo Salvini, with 35.7% of the vote, are better equipped to create a majority government.

After Italy’s Election, 2 Rival Populist Parties Claim Right To Lead Next Government

March 5, 2018

The Italian political world has been struck by a populist tsunami — 50 percent of voters in Sunday’s parliamentary elections chose candidates from anti-establishment, anti-immigrant and euroskeptic parties. However, no party amassed enough votes to form a government on its own, and this makes weeks of political instability likely while government negotiations are underway.
“Italy ungovernable,” read a Monday headline in the daily La Stampa.
The Italian populist parties’ success is the worst blow to the European Union since British voters chose to leave the EU two years ago.

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Populist win in Italy has Germany worried, though not panicking

March 5, 2018

Who will govern Italy after Sunday’s parliamentary election is anybody’s guess, but one thing is clear: The outcome of the vote is a blow for Europe. The outgoing center-left government was swept aside as two anti-EU parties emerged as the winners of the day. Between them, they won half of all the ballots cast.
After voters endorsed parties that support “Italy first,” Rome looks set to turn away from Europe. But despite initial disappointment in Berlin after the first forecasts emerged, no-one panicked. “I am not too worried,” said Frank Baasner, an expert in Italian politics and a professor at Mannheim University. “When reality bites, they will come round,” he told Handelsblatt Global.

End of the EU? Italian Election results PANIC – ‘Germany must get out of the euro now’

ITALIAN ELECTION RESULTS has sparked panic in Germany with one of the country’s most senior MEPs urging Berlin to “get out of the euro now” after eurosceptic parties collected half of the votes in Italy.

By Joe Barnes

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